Vice President Pence Tells Pastors: ‘Share The Gospel!’

In a last-second surprise appearance before a pastors conference in Washington DC, Vice President Mike Pence outlined how the Trump administration has championed causes important to the evangelical community and implored them to continue to, ‘share the good news of Jesus Christ.’

Christians beat homeowners association in Bible study dispute

Christians who were banned by a homeowners association from holding Bible studies or other faith-related meetings in the common areas of a California retirement community are getting a settlement after they prevailed in the dispute.

Jewish-Christian Bible Bloc party approved by registrar

There will be a joint Jewish-Christian list that will run in the next general election, after the party registrar’s office recently approved the candidacy of a new party called The Bible Bloc Party (Gush Hatanachi in Hebrew.)

Shocking 51% of US Christians Have Never Heard of the Great Commission

It’s one of the most well-known passages in the Bible that commands followers of Jesus Christ to ‘go and make disciples of all nations,’ yet a new study shows a shocking number of American Christians have never heard of what is commonly known as ‘the Great Commission.’

Science Confirms Genesis Flood Account, Again

For the first time, scientists have corroborated with direct evidence that the Earth has oceans of water deep within mantle by actually recovering some trapped inside diamonds.

Worthy Christian News