Survey finds nearly half of US adults believe the Bible should influence laws

The results of a new survey published on Monday show nearly half of adult Americans believe the Bible should influence laws, the Christian Post reports. Carried out by the Pew Research Center, the survey found 49% of respondents think the Bible should have “some” or a “great deal” of influence on national legislation. Of these, 28% thought the Bible should have precedence over the will of the people.

Civil Liberties organization demands end to religious discrimination in department of Housing and Urban Development

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed an official public comment with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Monday in a continued effort to ensure religious groups are not discriminated against by authorities. The Center is also sending a demand letter to a specific HUD property management company after residents at one of their housing complexes alerted that all Bibles and religious materials had been confiscated.

Kansas Supreme Court rules in favor of Governor’s executive order limiting religious services to 10 people

The Kansas Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s executive order limiting religious services to 10 people, the Washington Examiner reports.  Referring to the coronavirus outbreak that prompted the order, the Court said Saturday: “We agreed to expedite these proceedings due to the nature of the public health emergency all agree is present.”

Increased sales of the Bible during coronavirus pandemic

Major Christian publishing companies have reported increased sales of the Bible during the coronavirus pandemic. The increase is reportedly similar to that observed after the September 11 terror attacks in 2001.

Most US Pastors Believe Christ Returns Soon

Roughly 9 in 10 pastors in the United States view current events as signs that Jesus Christ will return soon to Earth, according to a new survey by a significant church research group.

Poll finds almost half of Americans see coronavirus crisis as wake-call to return to God

According to a recent survey, 43.4% of American adults believe the coronavirus crisis is a wake-up call for the US to return to God. Nearly three-in-ten respondents (29.4%) said they think the outbreak and subsequent financial devastation are signs of the Biblical “Last Days.” The poll was conducted for the Joshua Fund (JF), a major US Christian charity.

Dutch Daily: ‘World Searching For Leader Amid Coronacrisis’

With roughly half the world in lockdown and many politicians weak or ill, the largest Dutch daily concludes in a headline: “World searching for LEADER.” De Telegraaf (The Telegraph) also expresses that “Nobody takes the lead in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.” Its commentator, Frank van Vliet, complained: “While the world is on fire, international politicians are running in one direction to put out their fire. No leader has taken the lead, and solidarity is lacking. They did not read author Alexander Dumas’ Three Musketeers because “one for all and all for one” has been replaced by “own people first.”

Ex-Terrorist Leads Indonesia’s Christian Convert Movement

The married-father-of-three has come a long way since he nearly blew up a Protestant church in Jakarta. Author Ahmad Quraisy, which isn’t his family name, was a commander of the feared Islamic State of Indonesia (NII), an Indonesian militant group. But the former Islamic terrorist now leads an underground movement in Indonesia converting Muslims to Christianity or, in his words, ‘personal faith in Christ.’

Gospel Spreads as Coronavirus in Indonesia’s Jungle Villages

They suggest their faith in Christ spreads as fast as the new coronavirus. Pentecostal pastors of several Muslim dominated jungle villages in Indonesia’s South Sumatra province report church growth. That’s despite local protests, poverty, and occultism. ‘I even received one hundred boxes of tiles from the village chief to complete our church building,’ explains Pastor Frani Pondaag.

Lost 1,000-year-old Hebrew Bible found on dusty Cairo synagogue shelf

In July 2017, Israeli historian Yoram Meital stumbled upon a handwritten 1028 CE biblical codex that was lying abandoned on a dusty shelf in a Cairo synagogue. Wrapped in simple white paper of the sort one finds on tables in cheap eateries, at 616 pages, the Zechariah Ben ‘Anan Manuscript is one of the era’s most complete and preserved examples of the ‘Writings,’ the third and concluding section of the Hebrew Bible. It had been lost to scholars for almost 40 years.

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