Satanic Temple challenges Missouri abortion law

A member of the Satanic Temple in Missouri is challenging a state law that requires women seeking an abortion to wait three days, saying that it violates the member’s religious freedom.

GOP Pushes to Force All House Members to Vote on Infanticide – Yea or Nay

Republican House members held a press conference this week to announce the filing of a discharge petition to allow the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to be voted on. Twenty-five previous attempts to bring the bill to a vote were shut down by Democrats, who have a majority in the House.

Miss. Governor Signs Heartbeat Bill

Phil Bryant, the Republican governor of Mississippi, signed a bill into law on March 21 that prohibits abortions after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected, which is at approximately six weeks. In a tweet about the legislation, the governor said all people will answer to God one day and he wants to be able to say, ‘I fought for the lives of innocent babies.’

Heartbeat Bill Victory in Kentucky

Kentucky’s House passed Senate Bill 9, a fetal heartbeat bill, by a vote of 71 to 19 last night. SB 9 bans most abortions in the state once a fetal heartbeat is detected. The measure requires anyone seeking an abortion to first determine if a fetal heartbeat is detectable, typically about six weeks into pregnancy. The bill now moves on to Governor Matt Bevin’s desk.

MPAA Gives Pro-Life Film R-Rating

A pro-life film has been given an R-rating despite the absence of nudity, sex, violence, or curse words and filmmakers are convinced it’s the message that led to the prohibitive rating.

Missouri House Passes Wide-Ranging Abortion Restrictions

The Missouri House on Wednesday took steps to outlaw most abortions in the state should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, an effort that’s part of a broader Republican push amid renewed optimism that the high court might be more open to increased restrictions, and possibly an outright ban, on the procedure.

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