Labor Crisis Puts Unity Government on Hold

It looked like smooth sailing, but the bid by Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon for a quick national unity government has run into rough waters due to sharp divisions within the Labor party over outgoing PM Ehud Barak’s decision to stay on as defense minister.

UN Body Supports Anti-Israel Map

A key United Nations agency has lent its support to a Palestinian Authority Ministry of Tourism map that completely obliterates Israel, reported.

Clinton urges Nigerians to view diversity as blessing, not curse

LAGOS, Nigeria, 27 August 2000 (Newsroom) – U.S. President Bill Clinton, during what may be his last official visit to Africa’s most populous nation, urged Nigerians to learn to live together despite their religious differences.

The Trouble with Digital Angels Added: Jul 20th, 2000 3:07 AM

Several weeks ago a disturbing secular news story grabbed my attention. Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) received patent rights to new technology named Digital Angel (TM). What’s bothersome is that Digital Angel is a miniature digital transceiver specifically designed for human implantation.

Barak Axes Religious Affairs Ministry

Pushing a key element in its alternate agenda for survival, the shrunken cabinet of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud decided to close the Religious Affairs Ministry by the end of the month. The move is a key plank in Barak’s “social revolution,” a second option to rebuild a secular/left coalition in case peace talks with the Palestinians collapse.

Borno becomes seventh Nigerian state to adopt Sharia

Borno becomes seventh Nigerian state to adopt Sharia 23 August 2000 (Newsroom) — Borno has become the seventh state in Nigeria’s mostly Muslim north to formally adopt Islamic law, or Sharia. Police in the state capital of Maiduguri stood guard as the move became official Saturday, fearing a possible backlash from non-Muslims. Earlier this year more than 1,000 people died in clashes between Christians and Muslims after Kaduna state announced it would adopt Sharia. Many Nigerian leaders fear the moves by northern states to implement Sharia, which began last October, could lead to the disintegration of the country. Seeking to … Read more

Return to the Killing Fields

SAN JOSE, CA (August 18, 2000) — Faith Shaw was born in Rwanda, a country that between 1959-64 saw more than 500,000 people killed and a similar number or more fled the country. She was horrified when in April of 1994, a further 800,000 were killed and 1,000,000 fled to the neighboring countries.

Report Says UN Summit Seeks to Implement One-World Government

(AgapePress) – The United Nations Millennium Summit is set to get under way in a few weeks. Many Christians regard the agenda as an organizational meeting for a one-world government. The UN calls it the largest single gathering of heads of state ever held in the world.

Debt forgiveness campaign aims at G8 summit in Japan

19 July 2000 (Newsroom) — Rock stars, aid agencies, and Pope John Paul II are calling for world leaders attending this week’s G8 conference in Okinawa, Japan, to wipe out the debt of poor countries.

Rights groups fear French cult bill would curb religious liberty

5 July 2000 (Newsroom) — France is set to pass a law aimed at cults that human rights campaigners fear could lead to the persecution of minority religious groups and possibly make evangelism illegal. The bill, which was signed by all the Socialist members of the National Assembly, was approved on June 22 and now awaits Senate approval.

Putin shows mixed signals on religion policy

19 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Russia’s newly elected president is displaying mixed signals in his approach to church-state relations, according to the Keston Institute, a British-based monitor of religious liberty. Though Vladimir Putin has not publicly discussed his policy initiatives in the run-up to his May 7 inauguration, two steps he has taken during his term as acting president point in “entirely different directions,” Keston says.

Nigeria’s Muslim states approve dialogue on Sharia

NIGERIA, 4 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Northern state governors in Nigeria have approved the formation of a committee of Muslims and Christians to dialogue on aspects of the controversial Sharia, or Islamic law, which was implemented by several states earlier this year.

Bomb Hits Christian School In Southern Sudan

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (March 26, 2000) – A Christian school in Southern Sudan was attacked on Thursday, March 23, by the Islamic-led government forces of Sudan and numerous injuries were inflicted to students and their parents.

Pope will meet rabbis to help restore breach with Jews

JERUSALEM, 15 February 2000 (Newsroom) — Seeking to heal strained relations with Jews, Pope John Paul II has agreed to meet with Israel’s chief rabbis during his historic visit to the Holy Land in March, according to a Vatican diplomat.

Worthy Christian News