Latest Headline Briefs from Israel – July 23, 2001

Israeli police thwarted a major bomb attack in the northern port city of Haifa yesterday, when a Palestinian suicide bomber was arrested before carrying out an attack in a crowded area.

Latest Headline Briefs from Israel

Efforts to save the collapsing cease-fire shifted to Cairo today, where Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat met separately with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

The 17th Tamuz, The Day the Romans Occupied and Burned Jerusalem.

A fast day for the Faithful Movement and Israel in Jerusalem and around the Temple Mount

On the 17th Tamuz, Sunday 8th July 2001, the Faithful Movement, the Israelis and Jews all over the world will commemorate the day of the sacking of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70CE.

Israel Retaliates Striking a Syrian Radar Station

Israeli warplanes attacked a Syrian radar station in eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley today, in retaliation for an attack by Islamic Hizbollah guerillas on Friday that seriously wounded an Israeli soldier.

300,000 Young People Rebel Against Promiscuity

Somehow beauty arrests the emotions. And what is more beautiful than the youth?
Somehow vibrancy sparks the imagination. And what is more vibrant than the youth?

But too many of our youth are robbed of their beauty, their vibrancy. Too early. Too young. Mangled victims of society’s sickness.

Shrek and Harry Potter

In Dream Work’s high tech fairy tale, a witch has cast a spell on Princess Fiona. Only a kiss from a “true love” can cancel the curse. Imprisoned in a well-guarded tower, she awaits her hero.

Jerusalem Day – The March to the Temple Mount

On Monday, 21st May 2001 The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement with many other supporters will hold its annual Jerusalem Day march to the Temple Mount. The event will start from the tank on Ammunition Hill at 10:00AM.

Annual report cites nations for religious-freedom abuses

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Abuses of religious freedom worsened last year in China and the Sudan, according to the second annual report of a government commission set up to monitor religious persecution abroad.

Prime Minister of Malaysia Calls For End to Inter-Religious Strife

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (ANS) – The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, made an impassioned plea for an end to inter-religious strife. Speaking at the official opening of the 11th General Assembly of the World Evangelical Fellowship in Kuala Lumpur on the evening of Friday, May 4, Dr Mahathir said that once started, religious disputes often lead to violence over several generations.

Christian Outcry Over Blair Ban on Religious Groups

STOKE-ON-TRENT, UK (ANS) Tens of thousands of Christians are this week calling on the British Government to lift a ban on national religious broadcasting, in response to news that a Government forum on the future of religious broadcasting is set to exclude independent religious broadcasters.

Australian Salvationists Combine for Prayer Summit

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA (ANS) — More than 200 Salvationist from throughout Australia gathered for a National Prayer Summit in Canberra recently. The aim of the summit was to gather representatives of the Army together to submit to God, seek his heart, and to pray, expecting transformations in the life of the nation.

Belgian Diplomat Disowns Offensive “Holocaust” Remarks

Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel insisted on Tuesday that he has been on his best behavior during his visit to Israel, vigorously denying he had compared the plight of Palestinians to the suffering of Jews during the Holocaust.

Israel Celebrates Independence

Israelis today are remembering the country’s nearly 20,000 military personnel killed since late 1947 while defending the Jewish State.

Americans and Europeans Parting Ways on Intifada

The widely divergent approaches of American and European leaders to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been on display in recent days, with a visiting US Congressman blaming PLO chief Yasser Arafat for on-going violence, while a Belgian diplomat has come down hard on Israel.

Indian Tribes Form Alliance To Evangelize All the Tribes of the Amazon Basin

FILADELFIA, AMAZONAS, BRAZIL (ANS) – Ticuna missionary Eli Leao, executive head of OMITTAS, the Ticuna tribal missionary organization, announced the formation of an agreement between OMITTAS and the Matses pastors of Peru, to launch a joint effort to evangelize all the “wild” Indians of the Javary Rover valley, the divide between Brazil and Peru in the remotest part of the Amazon jungles.

South African Drug Case

The South African government claimed a major victory after 39 of the worlds biggest pharmaceutical companies dropped their lawsuit challenging a 1997 law that provides cheap replicas of patent drugs.

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