Republicans wins Senate, controls Congress

Republicans won a Senate majority late Tuesday, ensuring they will be in complete control of Capitol Hill when the new Congress convenes in January.

Obama Dismisses Lawsuit; Asks Cabinet for Ways to Exert Executive Power

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) brought a lawsuit against the White House last week which accused the administration of unconstitutional overreach of its executive authority, to which the President mockingly responded saying, “So sue me.” Later in the day, President Obama asked his cabinet to search for ways the White House could use its executive authority to bypass Congress and push his agenda without the legislative body.

Barack Obama Ready to Act on Immigration Alone (Video)

President Barack Obama announced he’s ready to “act on his own” on immigration reform as he announced plans for using his executive power to make sweeping changes to the nation’s immigration system.

White House Extends Benefits for Same-Sex Couples

When the Supreme Court struck down the constitutionality of part three of the Defense of Marriage act, the Obama Administration proceeded to review all federal regulations and their application to same-sex couples. Nearly a year later, the Labor Department plans changes to the “Family and Medical Leave Act” to include same-sex couples. President Obama also plans changes to all federal benefits, including Social Security, are extended to same-sex couples, the Washington Examiner reported.

House Appropriations Committee Slashes IRS Budget by 15%, Halts Obamacare Enforcement

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee is set to slash IRS’s budget to $10.9 billion, $1.5 billion under President Obama’s request for the 2015 fiscal year. The budget measure’s goal is to ensure the tax agency focus on it’s “core duties”, and eliminate efforts to judge political activities and halt its enforcement of Obamacare.

Rand Paul Backs Immigration Reform Effort

Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday waded deeper into an issue that has proved perilous to some of his GOP colleagues, throwing his political weight behind an establishment lobby effort to get Congress to reform the country’s immigration system this year.

D.C. Political Earthquake: Cantor Loses to Tea Party Candidate

In a stunning upset, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia lost a Republican primary to Tea Party challenger, David Brat, on Tuesday in an election that was called by pundits as the “political earthquake” that rocked Washington.

USA Today Poll: Obama Mishandled Bergdahl Exchange

Public opposition to the exchange of five Taliban prisoners for captive Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has less to do with Bergdahl himself and more with how President Obama handled the transfer, according to a new USA TODAY/Pew Research Center poll.

GOP Shows Signs of Retreat on Obamacare

Republican candidates have begun to retreat in recent weeks from their all-out assault on the Affordable Care Act in favor of a more piecemeal approach, suggesting they would preserve some aspects of the law while jettisoning others.

Duck Dynasty Patriarch Kicks Off GOP Conference (Video)

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson kicked off the Republican Leadership Conference at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in New Orleans where he mixed his faith with an admonition to the GOP to return to God.

Tea Party Makes Strides in Texas Republican Primaries

The tea party has won big in Texas. In virtually every Republican match up in Texas, candidates have espoused the movement’s talking points, attended groups’ forums, and adopted their issues.

Democrats threaten John Boehner on immigration reform

Democrats have a new message for House Republicans who have been reluctant to take up a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year: Pass a bill in six weeks, or watch the White House take action on its own.

House passes curbs on NSA phone surveillance

In an overwhelming vote, the House moved the U.S. closer to ending the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records Thursday, the most significant demonstration to date of leaker Edward Snowden’s impact on the debate over privacy versus security.

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