Senate GOP unveils measure to fund government through Dec. 11

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday he will push a short-term spending bill that funds the government through Dec. 11 and redirects Planned Parenthood funding to other health centers amid controversy over the organization’s abortion practice.

Senate blocks attempt to tie Iran deal to Israel, prisoners

Senate Democrats on Thursday beat back a Republican attempt to tie a vote on the nuclear deal with Iran to a requirement that the rogue nation officially recognize the state of Israel and release American prisoners before sanctions on Tehran can be lifted.

McConnell Says Federal Government Will Not Close

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday said he would get legislation passed to fund the federal government in time to avoid any agency shutdowns on Oct. 1.

Judicial Watch: Five-Month Gap in Clinton Emails

There’s five months’ worth of gaps in the emails former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton turned over to the government, and a watchdog group dogging the data dump wants “an explanation about that.”

Tech company: Clinton ‘server wasn’t wiped’

Platte River Networks, the company that managed Hillary Clinton’s private email server, says the server “wasn’t wiped,” making tens of thousands of deleted emails potentially recoverable, reported the Washington Post.

Senate Democrats Block GOP Push to Derail Obama’s Iran Deal

President Barack Obama achieved perhaps the greatest foreign policy victory of his six years in office on Thursday, when a Republican-backed effort to kill the Iran nuclear agreement was narrowly blocked in the U.S. Senate, clearing the way for the deal’s implementation.

Obama Wants Filibuster, Not Vote, on Iran Deal

President Obama now has the support he needs to uphold a veto of any legislation against the Iranian nuclear deal, but apparently that’s not enough for him. He still wants Democrats in both houses to filibuster the vote; that is, to prevent it altogether.

Federal Judge Orders IRS to Disclose WH Requests for Taxpayer Info

A federal judge on Friday ordered the Internal Revenue Service to reveal White House requests for taxpayers’ private information, advancing a probe into whether administration officials targeted political opponents by revealing such information.

Donald Trump is set to blow up GOP orthodoxy — again

First Donald Trump antagonized the Republican establishment with his proposals on immigration. Then he irritated some with his stands on trade and Social Security. Now Trump is preparing a tax proposal that will again set him far apart from the party’s powers-that-be.

Harry Reid officially comes out for Iran deal

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-N.V., finally lent his support to the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran. Reid is retiring in 2017, and his silence on the matter fueled speculation that he might join his presumed successor, Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., in opposition to the deal.

Bush calls for broader government surveillance

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday said he favors broader government surveillance of Americans, calling for private tech firms to cooperate better with federal agencies to ‘make sure that evildoers aren’t in our midst.’

Common Core education standards divide Republican presidential candidates

The Common Core education standards continue to cleave the Republican presidential field, with two of the contenders defending them Wednesday as successful ways to raise students’ achievement, but others who have now abandoned their support, insisting the standards are a symptom of dangerous federal overreach.

FBI believes it can recover data off Clinton’s server

Investigators believe they will be able to recover some of the data that once resided on Hillary Clinton’s private server despite the former secretary of state’s attempts to wipe it clean.

New Clinton email count: 305 documents with potentially classified information

More than 300 of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails — or 5.1 percent of those processed so far — have been flagged for potential secret information, the State Department reported to a federal court Monday as the political furor continued to grow for the Democratic presidential candidate and her aides, the Washington Times reported.

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