New Software from AT&T May Benefit Internet Pornographers and Pedophiles

(AgapePress) – A family advocate says new software designed by AT&T to allow anonymous postings on the Internet will benefit criminals, including pornographers and pedophiles. That anonymity is becoming easier with new encryption software developed by AT&T researcher Lorrie Cranor.

Demo Fundraiser at Playboy Mansion Causing Headaches on Eve of Convention

(AgapePress) – The battle within the Democratic Party over next week’s planned fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion has turned into an all-out war between Al Gore and a rebel Democratic congresswoman. Meanwhile, some are accusing the Vice President of hypocrisy in publicly denouncing the event.

Voting Record Indicates Lieberman Not as “Conservative” as Media Says

(AgapePress) – Many politicians and members of the media portray Senator Joseph Lieberman as the ideal Vice Presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket. A spokesman for a pro-life group, however, say Lieberman is far from being conservative–especially when it comes to the lives of unborn babies.

Lieberman–Chosen to Deflect GOP’s “Immoral Behavior” Darts?

(AgapePress) – Democratic strategists say Al Gore chose Senator Joseph Lieberman to be his running mate for one reason, and one reason alone. They say something had to be done to dull the Republican’s attack of linking Gore to Bill Clinton’s immoral behavior.

Pro-Life Bill Would Legally Classify Baby Outside of Womb as a Person To Be Protected

(AgapePress) – Most pro-life advocates agree that human life begins at the moment of conception. However, there are pro-abortion forces who would deny a child’s right to life even after birth. An important new pro-life bill–the Born Alive Infants Protection Act–would establish a federal law recognizing that an infant is legally alive once he or she is completely outside the mother’s womb.

“Social Conservatives” Report Some Success With GOP Convention Delegates

WASHINGTON, DC (AgapePress) – This week at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, pro-life supporters and other conservative advocates have been active in and around the convention center. Some are feeling their efforts are beneficial to their cause, while others are feeling they are being taken for granted.

Attorney Says Boy Scout Case in Connecticut May Influence Future Cases

(AgapePress) – A pro-family attorney says the recent Supreme Court decision in the Boy Scout case could have a trickle-down effect.

A state agency in Connecticut determined last May that the Boy Scouts were in violation of the state’s discrimination laws. As a result, they were dropped from a list of charities that state workers can support through their payroll deduction plan. The Scouts claim that it is because of their opposition to homosexuality. But a federal judge in Connecticut ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts, ordering that they be put back on the list of charitable organizations.

Tuesday Night in Philly–Patriotism, Military Strength, Righteousness…and a Gay Speaker

WASHINGTON, DC (AgapePress) – The major theme last night at the Republican National Convention seemed to be patriotism and the military, as speakers included an esteemed Gulf War hero and a former Vietnam prisoner of war. But there was only the slightest sign of protest as Arizona Congressman Jim Kolbe, an open homosexual, addressed the crowd. Some members of the Texas delegation removed their hats and some were seen praying as Kolbe gave his brief speech.

Pro-Family Group Claims School Board Proposals in Virginia Would Sanction “Immoral Behavior”

(AgapePress) – A pro-family group in Virginia is blasting a school board’s proposed changes to school policy: one that would prohibit harassment of students based on sexual orientation, and a second that would alter employment guidelines to forbid discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The proposed changes come up for a final vote on Thursday.

“In God We Trust” Resolution Passes in House; Sponsor Challenges ACLU’s Threats

(AgapePress) – Colorado Congressman Bob Schaffer has been leading the charge in Congress to defend the right of government agencies to post our national motto. Today he is celebrating the overwhelming passage of House Resolution 548, which he introduced to encourage the display of the motto, “In God We Trust,” in all public buildings.

Gay couples sign up to wait for blessing by U.S. Episcopal Church

24 July 2000 (Newsroom) — Following a rejection of same-sex union rites by the Episcopal Church’s recent convention in Denver, Colorado, a gay advocacy group within the church is collecting an online list of gay and lesbian couples “waiting” for the denomination to bless formally their relationships.

U.S. Courts uphold order to remove Ten Commandments displays in Kentucky

5 June 2000 (Newsroom) — Two United States courts have upheld judicial orders to remove wall displays with the Ten Commandments from a public school district and two county courthouses in Kentucky. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and a U.S. District Court denied motions to stay the preliminary injunctions issued last month by federal judge Jennifer B. Coffman.

House approves divisive U.S.-China trade pact

24 May 2000 (Newsroom) — The United States House of Representatives approved a China trade bill on Wednesday that has divided human rights and religious freedom advocates. The House voted 237-197 to grant permanent normal trade relations to the communist nation, taking the place of Most Favored Nation (MFN) status, which required an annual review of China’s adherence to international standards. The Senate is expected to approve a similar pact in early June.

U.S. judge orders removal of Ten Commandments from Kentucky public buildings

18 May 2000 (Newsroom) — A U.S. federal court in Kentucky has ordered state officials to remove wall displays that include the Ten Commandments from classrooms in a public school district and two county courthouses. Judge Jennifer B. Coffman issued three nearly identical preliminary injunctions on May 5, arguing that the wall displays amounted to government endorsement of a particular religion, in conflict with the First Amendment.

Methodist vote spurs gay activists to launch campaign

11 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Gay rights activists in the United Methodist Church have vowed to launch a nationwide campaign of civil disobedience in protest of three votes Thursday at the church’s general conference in Cleveland that maintained strictures against homosexuality.

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