New California State Regulations Mandate Pro-Homosexual Curriculum

Sacramento, CA – The California Department of Education’s Tax Force has finalized twelve pro-homosexual recommended mandates for public schools to follow. These recommended mandates include:

* Integrating pro-homosexual viewpoints throughout all public school curriculum
* Requiring the personal questioning of children regarding homosexuality and transsexuals
* Using taxpayer dollars to establish “gay/straight alliances” on campuses
* Establish a response system whose purpose will be to “provide rehabilitation to perpetrators” of discrimination against homosexuals and transsexuals

MI School System May Be Sued Over Student Homosexual Club

(AgapePress) – A Michigan public school may be facing a lawsuit for allowing a student homosexual organization to meet.
A Lansing attorney says the Jackson Public Schools may be violating the state constitution by allowing students to form a homosexual organization. Attorney David Kallman says the state constitution requires school districts to protect the health and welfare of their students, and he says a homosexual organization could be in conflict with that directive.

House approves faith initiative, but battle awaits in Senate

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Debate about government funding of religion and the separation of church and state took center stage on the floor of the House of Representatives July 19 as President George W. Bush’s “faith-based” initiative passed by a margin of 233-198.

Human rights should play bigger role in election

Human rights violations are on the rise in many countries. People are being persecuted, tortured and killed for no reason other than their religion. However, we, the American voters, have not had a chance to hear what the presidential candidates plan to do regarding this critical issue. It is time the candidates define their stance on the following matters:

The World Has a Hunger for Things Supernatural

The re-released and slightly extended version of the movie “The Exorcist” should serve to remind Christians that the world has a hunger for things supernatural — although they’re looking in all the wrong places. However, while demon possession is a subject that attracts many non- Christians to the big screen, it is also an issue that seems to repel many believers, who prefer a more sanitized and psychologized version of their faith.

Mitchell Committee Tries to Reassure Both Sides

As the international community scrambles to develop plans for inserting an observer force in the disputed territories, the US-led fact-finding committee came and went with little fanfare, leading many in Israel to wonder if the committee will really help reduce the Palestinian violence.

Clinton Passing Bush Hot Baton in Mideast

The renewal of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington on Tuesday comes just as US President-elect George Bush and his growing list of apointees arrive in town to pick up the scrambled pieces of American diplomacy in the Middle East left by the Clinton Administration.

Clinton Sticks to Deadline For Answers to Peace Outline

With less than four weeks left in office, US President Bill Clinton is holding to a Wednesday deadline for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to agree to accept his “outline of principles” for resolving their differences. The short time fuse has intensified debate in Israel over surrendering parts of Jerusalem, especially the Temple Mount, and forced PLO chief Yasser Arafat into a critical decision concerning the “right of return” for Palestinian refugees.

Israel Follows US Lead in Approving War Crimes Tribunal

The Israeli government reversed its stand at the last minute and decided on Sunday night to sign a charter establishing the International Criminal Court to try individuals for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity.

Arafat, Arab League Closing Door on Clinton

Outgoing US President Bill Clinton’s hasty drive to reach an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by January 20 sputtered again on Thursday when Arab foreign ministers enshrined the Palestinian right of return as “sacred.” The decision reinforces PLO chief Yasser Arafat’s hard-line stand on an issue Clinton’s “outline” for peace requires him to compromise and calls into question Washington’s claim Arafat has said “yes” to the president’s plan.

Clinton Runs Out of Time and Options For Mideast Peace

Outgoing US President Bill Clinton appears to have finally given up on his long quest to forge a landmark Israeli-Palestinian peace pact before leaving office, as his special Mideast envoy Dennis Ross on Wednesday postponed a planned trip to the region. The move is a setback to the electoral hopes of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who wanted Clinton to issue a “presidential declaration” on the status of negotiations to aid his waning chances for retaining office in early February balloting.

Rare Blip Appears In Powell Nomination

In the first spot on an otherwise squeaky clean record, US Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell has run into a flap for recently accepting a large sum of money for delivering a university lecture subsidized by a senior Lebanese official with ties to Syrian intelligence.

Bush May Have Different Take on Sharon

Many leaders in the international community are troubled with the increasing probability that Likud chairman Ariel Sharon will be elected prime minister of Israel in early February, but US President-elect George W. Bush may have a different opinion, describing him recently as a “great warrior and hero of freedom and democracy.”

More Fallout From Jerusalem Rally

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani hosted a gallery of guests from Israel at a gathering in New York City Hall on Thursday afternoon in a display of unity and support for undivided Jerusalem and Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount.

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