Lawsuit Filed To Protect Right to Display Graphic Images of Aborted Children

Several pro-life advocates and their minor children filed a federal lawsuit today against an assistant city attorney and two police officers who ordered them to remove signs displaying images of aborted children. The case received national attention among pro-life groups when the assistant city attorney, accompanied by two police officers, ordered the signs removed, claiming the signs were a public safety hazard and violated the law. The plaintiffs had been displaying their signs in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the City of Great Falls.

Saudis Pressing Bush To Meet With Arafat

Facing a mounting backlash in the Arab/Islamic world for his apparent tilt towards Israel in recent weeks, US President George W. Bush is reportedly considering holding his first meeting with PLO chief Yasser Arafat on the sidelines of the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in early September.

Bush calls for changes in marriage, estate taxes

WASHINGTON (BP)–President George W. Bush called for reduction of the tax penalty for married couples and elimination of the estate tax in his first address to a joint session of Congress Feb. 27.

Israeli Leaders Take Diplomatic Battle to US

As Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon prepares for what should be a warm reception in Washington on Monday, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres made an advance foray to New York on Thursday to head off Palestinian efforts at the UN to insert an armed observer force in Judea/Samaria and Gaza.

Mubarak to Tell Bush “What is Going On” in Mideast

US President George W. Bush is hosting his first Arab leader, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, at the White House on Monday for frank discussions on some sore points between Washington and Cairo, especially regarding who is responsible for the current flare-up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Sharon Seeks Understanding in Washington

Israel’s new Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has arrived in Washington for his first official visit with the Bush Administration, leaving behind the traditional “shopping list” of Israeli defense needs and yet another surge of Palestinian terrorism.

Sharon Makes Rounds in Friendly Washington

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon found lots of common ground on Tuesday with US President George W. Bush regarding his guarded approach to peace with the Palestinians, but Bush left it unclear whether PLO chief Yasser Arafat would get his own invite to the White House soon.

More Attacks as Powell Visits Region

Even as US Secretary of State Colin Powell met with PLO chief Yasser Arafat in Ramallah on Sunday to urge an end to Palestinian violence, two Israelis were shot nearby in an ambush by members of Arafat’s elite bodyguard unit, Force 17.

“Agreement” Already Broken

While world leaders met today in an attempt to hammer out an agreement between two leaders who failed to sit down one with the other, violent clashes continued in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and in Jerusalem itself. Live fire from PA-ruled areas near Bethlehem was directed into the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo with Israeli casualties. The tanks that have been in Gilo for the past week returned fire with their machine guns.

Arabs Miffed by Powell Remarks on Jerusalem

US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s “accidental” reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a hearing before Congress last Thursday made waves among Arab states, who called the statement a “dangerous” and “antagonistic” violation of international agreements.

Americans Back Israel’s Right To Target Terrorists

A new poll of Americans indicates overwhelming support for Israel’s targeting of terrorists before they strike again.

By better than a 4 -1 ratio, Americans support Israel’s tough anti-terrorism strategy according to a new, bipartisan poll released this weekened by the America Middle East Information Network (AMEIN). “It’s clear from this survey that the overwhelming majority of Americans share the Israeli view that terrorism is never justified and should be combated aggressively,” said pollster Frank Luntz.

Powell, Israel To Boycott Durban Conference

US Secretary of State Colin Powell will not attend the upcoming anti-racism conference in Durban, forcing Israel to reassess the level of its own representation at the UN forum where Arab/Islamic elements plan to bash the Jewish State and people.

Holy “Hookers” To Stride Out?

Guided by your rented driver, your Caddy glides through a new and elegant part of the city, doing its quiet big-tires flip-flop sound over the asphalt road-joints. Beyond the deep grass borders of the boulevard, a line of low white-columned buildings glisten in the street lights. Above, each has the neon sign of a goddess -“Venus”, “Ishtar”, “Kali”, with bright letters and a flashing, moving logo or figure to beckon customers. You see those customers come and go from their sedans. You haven’t been around for a year or two.

Duke U. To Allow Homosexual Marriage Ceremonies

(AgapePress) – The attack on God’s design for marriage continues at yet another prestigious school. A well-known university affiliated with the United Methodist Church says it will allow its chapel to be used for homosexual commitment ceremonies.

Nebraskans to vote on proposed ban of homosexual marriages & unions

WASHINGTON (BP)–Learning from the experience of other states grappling with the issue of legal recognition of homosexual unions, family groups in Nebraska have crafted a proposed amendment to the state constitution that seeks not only to ban homosexual marriage but declares same-sex domestic partnerships invalid as well.

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