Supreme Court declines review of banned valedictory address

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Declining to intervene in the gray area between free-speech rights and the Constitution’s ban on establishment of religion, the U.S. Supreme Court has turned down the appeal of a high-school student barred from giving a graduation speech deemed too religious by a California school district.

ACLJ Applauds Decision on Ohio’s “God” Motto

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, said today a decision by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declaring Ohio’s motto “With God, all things are possible” constitutional is both encouraging and constitutionally sound.

Partial-birth abortion ban approved, faces third veto

WASHINGTON (BP)–The U.S. House of Representatives again voted overwhelmingly to prohibit a gruesome procedure known as partial-birth abortion, but a third, and final, veto from President Clinton apparently awaits.

Presidential candidates statements on Israel are under scrutiny

LOUISVILLE — With the U.S. presidential campaign in full swing, both major-party candidates are talking about the most potent foreign-policy question in domestic politics: Israel. While Republican candidate George W. Bush has said more so far, Al Gore, the Democrat, has a track record that is widely considered downright “hawkish” on Israel.

Presidential Contender Takes Dr. Laura To Task

Appearing on the GAYBC Radio Network ( on Saturday, former senator and presidential hopeful Bill Bradley criticized Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s stand on homosexuality.

Redefining “Literacy” for a New World Order

“The United States will sponsor the creation of hemispheric centers for teacher excellence. These centers will provide teacher training for improving literacy and basic education, both in person and over the Internet.”[1] President George W. Bush, remarks at Summit of the Americas, Working Session, Quebec City, Canada (April 21, 2001).

The Diplomatic War

The Clinton Administration announced today that Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed to attend soon a US-mediated session in the region aimed at rooting out the cause of the violence. The clashes are Clinton’s worst nightmare, as he desperately wanted to avoid a Mideast flare-up just as his term in office winds up and US voters go to the polls to elect his successor.

Miracle Teen Program Launched

An alarming 24% of U.S. high-school students in 1995 thought seriously about committing suicide, according to a report published by the Center for Disease Control. Particularly at risk were females in the 11th grade. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry indicates that teen suicide has increased dramatically in recent years and each year in the U.S. thousands of teens commit suicide, making it the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5-to-14 year olds.

Mission to Mars Discovers Origin of Life on Earth

The movie is “Mission to Mars.” The year is 2020, and NASA sends Commander Luke Graham (Don Cheadle) with a crew of four astronauts to the red planet. While exploring strange geological formations on the martian landscape, the truth about the Face on Mars and the origin of mankind is discovered.

Molding Human Resources for the Global Workforce

“…all of us, including the ‘owners’, must be subjected to a large degree of social control… The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order.”1 (Willard Givens, Executive Secretary, National Education Association, 1934)

Morality in Media Says Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ Approach to Fighting Porn Won’t Prot

NEW YORK (20 March 2001) — On March 20, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is expected to vote on a motion to create a Commission on Child Pornography. The new Commission would have authority to combat child pornography, but unlike the Commission that the Supervisors disbanded on February 20, the new Commission would be powerless to address the floodtide of obscenity engulfing our culture — except when “directed towards minors.”

Millions of North American Viewers Can Share the Excitement of 9th Annual Movieguide(R) Awards Gala

HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. (ANS) – Millions of North American viewers will be able to share the excitement of the 9th Annual MOVIEGUIDE(R) Awards Gala hosted by Cheryl Ladd on Easter Sunday, April 15. A one-hour version of the gala, which celebrates Hollywood’s best family and inspirational movies and television programs, will air on PaxTV at 6 p.m. Eastern and Pacific, and 5 p.m. Central time.

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