U.S. Debt: “A Ticking Time Bomb”

The United States faces a financial “time bomb” as its national debt is to jump by $2 trillion this year and United States President-elect Barack Obama and congressional Democrats consider a massive spending package, economists have warned.

Obama Urges Package to Tackle Economic Crisis

United States President-elect Barack Obama was scheduled to meet with congressional leaders from both political parties Monday, January 5, to discuss a stimulus package aimed at ending America’s worst economic crisis in decades.

Democratic Governors seeking Federal Funds

Five Democratic governors have presented a plan to Obama’s transition team and congressional leaders to pass a $1 trillion stimulus package to help states facing severe budget shortfalls. This year 41 states as well as the District of Columbia are facing deficits totaling $42 billion this year, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in a report seen by Worthy News Monday, January 5.

U.S. Supreme Court rules state prisons must accommodate inmate religions

Tupelo, MS — June 1, 2005 (American Center for Law and Justice) – The U.S. Supreme Court today upheld the constitutionality of a federal law requiring state prisons to accommodate inmate religions. In a unanimous decision, the Court ruled that Ohio inmates, including a witch and a Satanist, were improperly denied the right to worship and to access religious literature ceremonial items.

ERLC asks justices for reversals in abortion, homosexuality cases

WASHINGTON (BP)–The U.S. Supreme Court should reverse lower-court decisions that struck down a ban on partial-birth abortion and rejected the Boy Scouts of America’s prohibition against homosexual leaders, according to friend-of-the-court briefs signed onto by the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

ACLJ to Meet ACLU Legal Challenge of Children’s Internet Protection Act

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, said today it will work to defend the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) – a new federal law that requires public libraries to use computer software to block pornography – from a legal challenge by the ACLU.

ACLJ Gets Court Order Upholding Constitutionality of In-Home Prayer for Connecticut Family

(Bridgeport, CT) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, said today a federal judge has issued a Preliminary Injunction against the Town of New Milford, Connecticut prohibiting the town from blocking a Connecticut family from continuing to hold prayer meetings inside their private residence.

ACLJ Files Religious Discrimination Suit Against Mass. School Dist. In Wake Of Supreme Court Ruling

(Boston, MA) — The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, announced today it has filed a federal lawsuit charging religious discrimination against a school district in Massachusetts that has refused to permit a Christian organization to use its facilities after-hours – just days after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such discriminatory action is unconstitutional.

Civic center’s pagan fresco raises question of ‘ACLU, where are you?’

McMINNVILLE, Ore. (BP)–If a city were to display a manger scene on the courthouse lawn or post the Ten Commandments in the council chambers, the American Civil Liberties Union would threaten a lawsuit. However, let a community depict a pagan goddess in a public arena and the ACLU is strangely silent.

Using children to spy on families

For background information, see The UN Plan for Your Mental Health.

Notice the international focus on “prevention.”
“Role playing is an excellent tool to highlight the hidden influences… or… the hidden commandments of the family….” [1] Robert Hawley, Value Exploration Through Role Playing, 1975.

High court rules for Boy Scouts, against partial-birth abortion ban

WASHINGTON (BP)–The U.S. Supreme Court used the final day of its term to issue a quartet of decisions on moral and church-state issues, including deeply divided rulings upholding a private organization’s freedom to bar homosexuals from its leadership and striking down a state’s ban on an especially gruesome method of abortion.

Brainwashing in America: why few dare call it a conspiracy

Part 1
by Berit Kjos

“I strongly urge the establishment of a Mission to Planet Earth, a worldwide monitoring system staffed by children…design to rescue the global environment.” -Al Gore

“…absolute behavior control is imminent…. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will… never self-consciously know that it has happened.” [1] Raymond Houghton, To Nurture Humaneness, ASCD (curriculum arm of the NEA), 1970

“The Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure and guaranteed sustenance…. Most people will tend to be hedonistic…” [2] Feasibility Study, Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (B-STEP), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Research, 1969

Appeals court rules in favor of anti-abortion Internet site

SAN FRANCISCO (BP)–A federal appeals court has ruled that a group of anti-abortion activists were exercising their free-speech rights when they published “wanted” posters listing the names of abortion doctors, whom they called “baby butchers,” CNSNews.com reported March 29.

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