What People Experienced in Church

The Barna Group recently surveyed Americans who attended church and reported on their worship experiences.

America Remembers September 11 Amid Controversy

world tradeChristians around the world were among those remembering the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States, but pastors expressed concerns that in New York no clergy-led prayer was included in a ceremony near where the World Trade Center towers collapsed.

NM School Suspends Students for Sharing Bible Verses

new mexicoYet another case of academic alien-ation in Roswell, New Mexico?

A lawsuit by Liberty Counsel alleges that the Roswell Independent School District retaliated against a school Christian group by suspending its members after giving Krispy Kreme doughnuts with Bible verses to their teachers; one student was sent home and two others spent a Saturday morning alone in a classroom for four hours.

Christians join Jews to express support for Israel

christian-support-israelPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Pastor John Hagee and radio personality Glenn Beck all spoke to Israel’s Christian supporters during the sixth annual “Christians United for Israel” summit at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C..

Christian Clerks Face Same-Sex License Showdown

new-yorkAlthough a memo circulated by the Alliance Defense Fund assured scrupulous New York State license clerks that they can delegate the issuance of same-sex marriage licenses to another clerk, Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice disagreed.

Ohio House Passes Heartbeat Bill

abortion-debate-ohioOhio Republicans recently passed a bill that prohibits abortions if a fetal heartbeat is discernible.

Texas to become largest state to defund Planned Parenthood

abortion in texasTexas will soon become the largest state to defund Planned Parenthood after its Republican majority legislature recently passed Senate Bill 7, a health care bill that prevents the nation’s largest abortion provider from receiving state family funds.

Conservative Favorite Michele Bachmann Launches US Presidential Bid

blankMinnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has formally launched her campaign for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. Bachmann is not the best known Republican running for president for next year, but she does have a growing national following among conservative voters who are looking for an alternative to the current front runner, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

RU 486 Claims the Lives of Two More Women

The Centers for Disease Control has recently published a report stating that two more women in the United States have died as a result of using the abortion drug RU 486. The report was issued mere days after the 10 year anniversary of the FDA’s approval of the drug.

Researchers Announce New Stem Cell Alternative

U.S. researchers in Boston say they have developed a technique that effectively converts human skin cells into stem cells, a development that could have both medical and political implications.

Faith-Based Hiring Bill an ‘Assault’ on Religious Charities

A pending bill that bars government funding for non-profits having religious requirements in their hiring process is a “serious assault” on faith-based charities, according to the senior vice president of the National Religious Broadcasters.

“Pledge to America” Unveiled by GOP

House Republicans will unveil a “Pledge to America”, an ambitious and sweeping set of proposed changes, which proposes to shrink the size of government and reform Congress, Worthy News has learned.

Worthy Christian News