Obama Close to Authorizing Military Training of Syrian Rebels

President Barack Obama is close to authorizing a mission led by the U.S. military to train moderate Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups, a move that would expand Washington’s role in the conflict, U.S. officials said.

Tea Party Makes Strides in Texas Republican Primaries

The tea party has won big in Texas. In virtually every Republican match up in Texas, candidates have espoused the movement’s talking points, attended groups’ forums, and adopted their issues.

I.R.S. Bars Employers From Dumping Workers Into Health Exchanges

Many employers had thought they could shift health costs to the government by sending their employees to a health insurance exchange with a tax-free contribution of cash to help pay premiums, but the Obama administration has squelched the idea in a new ruling. Such arrangements do not satisfy the health care law, the administration said, and employers may be subject to a tax penalty of $100 a day – or $36,500 a year – for each employee who goes into the individual marketplace.

White House blows cover of CIA chief in Afghanistan

The White House accidentally blew the cover of the top CIA officer in Afghanistan Saturday, when his name and title were released in an e-mail sent to reporters who traveled with President Obama on his surprise visit to Bagram Air Field.

At Least Six Dead in California Killing Spree

The man featured in a disturbing YouTube video who went on a killing spree murdering at least six and wounding several more was identified Saturday evening by authorities as Elliot Rodger, 22.

California Drought Threatens Food Supply of All Americans; Collapsing Aquifer Sinking the Land

Walk into any grocery store in America and there’s a good chance the fresh produce you see there was grown in California. Up to half of the nation’s fruit, nuts and vegetables are grown in the Central Valley, one of the planet’s most fertile growing regions, between Los Angeles and Sacramento. Now, for the first time this century, the entire state is in severe to exceptional drought.

U.S. Steps Up Scrutiny of Americans Fighting in Syrian Civil War

The Justice Department has tapped a veteran prosecutor to probe the flow of foreign fighters including Americans who are joining Syria’s rebels, U.S. officials said, in a sign of heightened alarm over the threat of radicalized militants returning home.

Democrats threaten John Boehner on immigration reform

Democrats have a new message for House Republicans who have been reluctant to take up a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year: Pass a bill in six weeks, or watch the White House take action on its own.

Veterans Affairs whistleblowers face ‘long slog’ in fighting retaliation

Retaliation comes quickly to whistleblowers who expose wrongdoing at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Those who have revealed potentially lethal lapses in health care say they have been ridiculed, transferred, demoted and sometimes fired by agency managers attempting to cover up wrongdoing and silence anyone who dares challenge their dangerous practices.

House passes curbs on NSA phone surveillance

In an overwhelming vote, the House moved the U.S. closer to ending the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records Thursday, the most significant demonstration to date of leaker Edward Snowden’s impact on the debate over privacy versus security.

Poll: 47% of Unemployed Have ‘Completely Given Up’ Looking for a Job

A new poll suggests that finding employment, particularly for the long-term unemployed, continues to be a struggle for Americans. The poll, conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Express Employment Professionals, asked questions of 1,500 unemployed adult Americans last month.

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