Most of Atheist Lawsuit Against Hawaiian Churches Dismissed

The Alliance Defending Freedom had a major victory over Atheist Mitch Kahle and his wife Holly Huber, when the court dismissed most of a renewed lawsuit against two Oahu churches that falsely accused them of defrauding the government simply for paying agreed-upon rent to the public schools in which they meet.

Duck Dynasty Patriarch Kicks Off GOP Conference (Video)

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson kicked off the Republican Leadership Conference at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in New Orleans where he mixed his faith with an admonition to the GOP to return to God.

Military Developing Implantable Brain Chips to Treat PTSD

The military’s research arm is taking a different tack in funding a $26 million project to develop a device implanted in the skull. The goal is to stimulate parts of the brain as a way to treat psychiatric disorders including depression, addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder.

U.S. Economy Shrinks for First Time since 2011

The U.S. economy contracted in the first quarter for the first time in three years as it buckled under the weight of a severe winter, but there are signs activity has since rebounded.

Poll: Americans’ Views on Origin of Homosexuality Remain Split

In a year when the movement for same-sex marriages continues to make strides across the U.S., Americans remain divided on how people come to be gay or lesbian. More than a third of Americans (37%) believe people become gay as a result of factors such as their upbringing and environment, while 42% say people are born gay. This latter belief is down slightly from 2013, when nearly half (47%) believed people were gay at birth.

Dershowitz: Hate Speech Laws a ‘Dangerous Trend’

Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts has introduced legislation calling for the government to investigate “hate speech” on broadcast, cable, and Internet outlets – a bill that is raising concerns from First Amendment advocates and constitutional experts.

Congress: US should confront Russia on nuke treaty

Congress is stepping up pressure on the White House to confront Russia over allegations that it is cheating on a key nuclear arms treaty – a face off that could further strain U.S.-Moscow relations and dampen President Barack Obama’s hopes to add deeper cuts in nuclear arsenals to his legacy.

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