ICE: 87% of Illegal Kids Stuck in Immigration Court System (Video)

A top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday saying that 87 percent of illegal alien children are still in immigration court without a decision as to their final status.

Microsoft: Stop “Unfettered Collection of Bulk Data”

Microsoft’s top lawyer called on Congress and the White House to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and stop the “unfettered collection of bulk data” by the government, Cnet reported.

Lerner Sought IRS Audit of GOP Senator Over Mistaken Email

Late Wednesday, Congressional investigators published emails from ex-IRS official Lois Lerner, which detailed her targeting a Republican Senator in 2012 for an internal audit based on an email she accidentally received.

U.S. Economy Shrank 2.9% in First Quarter

The Gross Domestic Product fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, the economy’s worst performance in five years. Growth has been revised down 3.0 percent since the government’s first estimate was published in April, worse than economists’ expectations.

Federal Judge Says Warrantless Bulk Surveillance is Legal

U.S. District Judge Garr King denied a man’s motion to dismiss his terrorism conviction saying the U.S. government’s bulk collection of phone and email data under U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was legal.

U.S. Must Be Global Leader in Promoting Gay Rights

White House national security adviser Susan Rice addressed 200 gay rights advocates saying, “America’s support for LGBT rights is not just a national cause but it’s also a global enterprise.”

U.S. Supreme Court Backs Most of EPA Regulations

The U.S. Supreme Court said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can require greenhouse-gas controls on power plants, however the Court said the agency had gone too far in interpreting its authority.

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