ICE Memo: Illegal Alien Children Now Just Children

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel received an email instructing them to no longer refer to illegal immigrant children as “UACs” or unaccompanied alien children, but they are to be referred solely as “unaccompanied children”, Breitbart News reported.

Congressman Denied Access to HHS Facility in His State

A U.S. Congressman was denied access to a Human Health and Services (HHS) facility of his home state which currently is housing up to 1,200 unaccompanied children that entered the U.S. illegally.

Government Watchdog Says NSA Foreign Surveillance Legal

A U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program that snoops on foreign citizens suspected of terrorism is legal and effective and does what Congress intended it to do, a government oversight board said.

Obama Dismisses Lawsuit; Asks Cabinet for Ways to Exert Executive Power

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) brought a lawsuit against the White House last week which accused the administration of unconstitutional overreach of its executive authority, to which the President mockingly responded saying, “So sue me.” Later in the day, President Obama asked his cabinet to search for ways the White House could use its executive authority to bypass Congress and push his agenda without the legislative body.

Indictment of Benghazi Suspect Debunks White House Version of Events

The indictment of Ahmed Abu Khatallah, a suspect arrested in Libya earlier this month for the killing of a U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and thee other Americans, details a calculated attack on the U.S. Diplomatic mission and the CIA annex in Benghazi. This contradicts the Obama Administration’s version of a ‘spontaneous’ riot took place on September 11 due to a anti-Muslim YouTube video.

IRS To Explain Itself to Another Judge About Lost Emails

A federal judge has instructed the IRS to appear before the court July 11 to explain why the IRS shouldn’t be required to allow outside experts evaluate whether the emails of former IRS employees are truly lost.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Kentucky’s Marriage Amendment

A federal judge ruled that Kentucky’s law that recognized marriage as being between one man and one woman violated the constitutional rights of same-sex couples, however he placed a stay on his own decision, in effect placing his ruling on hold until the conclusion of the appeal process.

Millions Could Lose ObamaCare

Less than one percent, or 330,000, of the 2.9 million cases which had data discrepancies when signing up for Obamacare have been fixed, potentially jeopardizing health care for millions who signed up under the Affordable Care Act, the government’s health care fraud watchdog said.

Is it Time to go Kosher? Pork Prices Jump as Hogs Hit by Virus

Consumers in the United States are paying nearly 13 percent more for pork products than they were this time last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prices will continue to rise late into this year economists predict, due in part, to a deadly pig virus.

U.S. Faces Record of Wildfires (Video)

Across the nation, there have been more than 26,000 wildfires since January, compared to 22,000 for all of 2013. So far this year, California has been scorched as a total of 3,300 wildfires have been reported so far — triple its average and there’s no let up in sight.

Barack Obama Ready to Act on Immigration Alone (Video)

President Barack Obama announced he’s ready to “act on his own” on immigration reform as he announced plans for using his executive power to make sweeping changes to the nation’s immigration system.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Abortion Pill Mandate (Video)

In a 5-4 ruling the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties saying that corporations cannot be forced to provide contraception coverage for their employees. The court determined that federal law protects the two families from being forced to act contrary to their beliefs.

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