Obama Collecting Personal Data for a Secret Race Database

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”

Bird Flu Cost the US $3.3 Billion and Worse Could Be Coming

It’s been almost a month since a case of avian influenza was detected in poultry in the central United States. So it might seem that the epidemic—which over several months caused the destruction of 49.5 million chickens and turkeys—can safely be considered over.

Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts

An undercover video released today shows Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how her organization sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to harvest intact body parts.

‘Hard Sell’ Ahead for Iran Deal, But Congress Has No Real Kill Switch

Shortly after President Obama announced a nuclear deal with Iran on Tuesday – and long before the detailed text became available – verdicts began flowing in from lawmakers. Some were already vowing to “undo” the agreement, others gave tepid support, but nearly all ignored the reality: that while Obama’s achievement faces a tough sell on the Hill, even if lawmakers were to oppose his push, they have no real kill switch.

Impact of Army reductions will be widespread, general says

Planned cuts to the Army’s end strength will touch nearly every base and will include some involuntary layoffs, officials said Thursday, though D.C.-area installations avoid the brunt of the reductions.

FBI says arrested 10 in July 4 plots inspired by Islamic State

US authorities thwarted plots to kill people in the United States around the July 4 holiday, arresting more than 10 people who were inspired by Islamic State online recruitment, FBI Director James Comey said on Thursday.

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