Obama has power to circumvent Congress on Iran nuke deal, analysts say

Even strong bipartisan disapproval by Congress of the Iranian nuclear deal won’t stop President Obama from implementing the agreement, so the vote next month is shaping up as a warning to Europe against resuming business with Tehran before the next U.S. president is elected.

Stock market endures worst day in 18 months

The U.S. stock market endured its worst performance in 18 months on Thursday, driven lower by another slump in Chinese shares and heavy selling by technical traders.

White House ‘comfortable’ with Iran ‘self-inspecting’ suspect nuke site

The White House on Wednesday said it was ‘confident’ in the abilities of the International Agency for Atomic Energy to monitor and inspect the possible military dimensions on Iran’s past nuclear work and was ‘comfortable’ with confidential arrangements between the IAEA and Tehran to ensure compliance with the nuclear deal signed on July 14.

New Video Emerges; Administration Warns States Trying to Defund Planned Parenthood

In what appears to be the next installment of the Planned Parenthood controversy, the Center for Medical Progress has released an interview with a former technician who claims that the harvesting of fetal body parts was often undertaken without the knowledge or consent of the pregnant women.

Republicans National Debate Stirs High Emotions

Donald Trump spanked the press, the rest of the GOP presidential field, and politicians in general, calling them “stupid” and refusing to commit to supporting the eventual 2016 Republican nominee, kicking off the first prime-time debate of the 2016 nominating contest Thursday by saying he can’t be sure anyone else will be able to match his tough-talking solutions.

Pentagon unable to account for nearly $1 billion spent

The Marine Corps did not properly account for nearly $1 billion in transactions, even though the secretary of Defense and his aides gave speeches and awards celebrating the Marine Corps for successfully accounting for all the money it received and spent in 2012, according to a report made public by the Government Accountability Office on Monday.

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