Congress to Consider Easing Passage into U.S. for Immigrants

Congress is set to vote on Thursday on what some have called an “unprecedented” right that would allow immigrants easier access to relocate to the United States, according to new legislation offered by a Democratic senator.

Gun Sales Spike Across the U.S.

Gun sales have been spiking in the United States for weeks, especially following the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. Wednesday that left 14 people dead.

72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

Congress: More Than 179,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Roaming Free in U.S.

More than 179,000 illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes, including violent ones, continue to roam free across the United States, with reports indicating that these illegal immigrants commit new crimes ‘every day,’ according to lawmakers and the director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, also known as ICE.

Obama says world climate deal would legally bind next president

President Obama vowed Tuesday that the U.S. will provide leadership on global warming, then left the Paris talks and flew back to Washington to leave it to his lieutenants to try to strike a deal that he hopes will be ‘legally binding’ on his successor.

NSA stops collecting phone records, still wants three more months to snoop

The intelligence community was scheduled to stop collecting Americans’ phone metadata Sunday — but still wants three more months to continue looking through the billions of phone call records it already has, as it tries to see whether its replacement snooping program is working.

Islamic State Radicalizes ‘Thousands’ in United States

The Islamic State has likely radicalized thousands of people in the United States, according to a new report, raising concerns that supporters of the terrorist group could be plotting domestic attacks similar to the recent shootings and bombings in Paris.

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