Supreme Court faces 4-4 split in Obamacare contraception case

The Supreme Court on Wednesday headed toward a possible 4-4 split over a legal challenge by Christian nonprofit employers who object to providing female workers insurance covering birth control as required by President Barack Obama’s healthcare law.

Border agents: DHS has ‘no intention’ of deporting illegals

A top Homeland Security official told Border Patrol agents the Obama administration has “no intention of deporting” many of the illegal immigrants caught trying to sneak into the country, ordering instead that they be released so they don’t clog up the courts, a leading advocate for agents testified to Congress.

Obama Supreme Court Nominee Has Anti-Gun Record

Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has a record of opposing gun rights as a federal judge, which includes a vote to undo a landmark gun rights ruling.

House pressures Obama to label ISIS actions as genocide

The House unanimously passed a resolution Monday that calls on the United States to characterize the Islamic State’s atrocities against Christians, Yazidis and other groups as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Major Cyberattack on U.S. Expected

The commander of the U.S. Cyber Command warned last week that he expects a major cyberattack on critical infrastructure in the United States in the future.

Supreme Court divided in high-stakes Texas abortion case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared closely divided as it considered its first major abortion case in nearly a decade, with pivotal Justice Anthony Kennedy giving little indication how he would rule in a challenge to a Texas law imposing strict regulations on clinics and abortion doctors.

Official: 8 of 11 Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops on the Brink

An official with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told lawmakers last week that eight of the 11 remaining Obamacare co-ops have been selected for ‘corrective action plans’ and ‘enhanced oversight.’

Top Intel Officials: U.S. Faces Highest Terror Threat Level Since 9/11

Top intelligence community officials warned Thursday that the United States faces the highest terrorist threat level since the 9/11 terror attacks, citing a record-breaking increase in the flow of foreign fighters to Syria and Iraq, as well as joint Iranian-North Korean plans to boost “attack capabilities” and other efforts by leading terror groups to increase their offensive capabilities.

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