House votes to allow concealed carry across state lines
The House passed legislation Wednesday that would allow concealed carry permit holders from one state to legally carry their guns in other states.
The House passed legislation Wednesday that would allow concealed carry permit holders from one state to legally carry their guns in other states.
The Trump administration has determined that even if Congress does not approve an extension of the National Security Agency and the FBI’s warrantless surveillance program before the law that authorizes it expires at the end of 2017, the agencies can still continue to utilize the program, according to a new report.
Rep. Trey Gowdy said he was “surprised” that the House Intelligence Committee interview with Donald Trump Jr. on Wednesday spent seven hours focusing on the brief meeting that took place in Trump Tower last summer between Trump campaign members and Russian officials.
Illegal border crossing tumbled to a 45-year low and interior arrests of illegal immigrants soared in 2017, according to data released Tuesday that showed President Trump’s enforcement crackdown netted tangible results during his first year on the job.
From the moment Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination and then the presidency, national security officials under President Obama have shown themselves to be intense adversaries in public and behind the scenes.
Facing a surge of pressure from his fellow Democrats, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) stepped down from Congress on Tuesday over mounting allegations of sexual harassment, marking an extraordinary fall for the longest-serving member.
A top House Republican said Democrats need to make concessions that make them ‘wince’ in order to get a vote on two Obamacare stabilization bills.
Judicial Watch today released 29 pages of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) documents related to the June 27, 2016, tarmac meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton. The documents show that FBI officials were more concerned about leaks than the actual meeting itself. The new documents also show that then-FBI Director Comey seemed to learn of the meeting from news reports.
Former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to making false statements to FBI agents, admitting that he lied to investigators when he said he didn’t ask Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. to limit Moscow’s reaction to U.S. sanctions during the presidential transition.
Special counsel Robert Mueller this summer removed a top FBI agent from the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election after the Justice Department’s inspector general began investigating whether the agent sent text messages critical of President Donald Trump, according to a new report.
After years of investigations that began primarily due to whistleblower videos, the FBI has finally decided to investigate Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human remains from abortion. Between that and the Center for Medical Progress’s latest undercover video showing how PP colluded with medical company StemExpress to sell the most aborted baby parts for the most profit, the GOP should finally defund this shady organization that still receives a large guaranteed taxpayer subsidy.
The Senate GOP’s tax-cut plan would result in modest economic growth in the coming decade that would shave about $400 billion off its $1.4 trillion price tag, according to a report from congressional scorekeepers released Thursday.
Given the tenor of the campaign in the state, one might think Doug Jones was a doctor performing abortions on young women, not a former prosecutor and now Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate.
The national gun-carry reciprocity bill will enter the next phase of the lawmaking process on Wednesday when it enters markup in the House.
Hawaiian officials implemented an alarm system to warn residents of a nuclear attack, the Hawaii Emergency Management System said Tuesday.
Rep. Raul M. Grijalva quietly arranged a ‘severance package’ in 2015 for one of his top staffers who threatened a lawsuit claiming the Arizona Democrat was frequently drunk and created a hostile workplace environment, revealing yet another way that lawmakers can use taxpayer dollars to hide their misbehavior on Capitol Hill.
The Supreme Court announced Monday it had declined to hear two Second Amendment cases, leaving intact gun control laws in Maryland that restrict the types of weapons that can be bought, and in Florida that largely prevent gun owners from carrying their weapons in the open.
The FBI failed to notify scores of US officials that Russian hackers were trying to break into their personal Gmail accounts despite having evidence for at least a year that the targets were in the Kremlin’s crosshairs, The Associated Press has found.
The FBI received more than 200,000 background check requests for gun purchases on Black Friday, the bureau reported.
Abortion numbers fell again in 2014, sinking to their lowest in more than four decades, according to a new Centers for Disease Control report.