Congress ignores Trump’s deadline on Iran nuclear deal

Congress is about to miss what was widely seen as a deadline to deal with President Trump’s demands for a harder line on the Iran nuclear deal, failing to agree on new sanctions against Tehran and punting the future of the deal back to Mr. Trump.

Port Authority explosion: Suspect ID’d in ‘attempted terrorist attack’

A Bangladeshi man reportedly inspired by ISIS set off a pipe bomb inside New York’s Port Authority bus terminal during rush hour Monday morning, sowing mass chaos but causing few injuries — likely because the ‘attempted terrorist’ detonated his ‘low tech device’ prematurely.

House, Senate conferees to meet publicly Wednesday on tax legislation

The House-Senate conference committee working to finalize a tax bill will meet publicly Wednesday to work on the final version of the legislation, chairman Kevin Brady of Texas announced Friday, and GOP members are also expected to work through the weekend to reach an agreement.

Mystery Attacks Caused Brain Damage in US Embassy Workers in Cuba

The U.S. embassy workers in Cuba who were initially thought to have been attacked by a ‘sonic weapon’ have sustained damage to the white matter in their brains, scans reveal. And officials are increasingly skeptical that a sonic weapon was the cause, the Associated Press reported.

Newly Revealed Experiment Shows How F-35 Could Help Intercept ICBMs

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., raised more than a few eyebrows (and drew a few rolled eyes) when he suggested in November that the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter could intercept North Korean missiles headed for the United States. Hunter cited analysis from Los Alamos National Labs and other sources, according to Inside Defense.

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