Israel Turning Tide in International Arena

Israeli officials are pointing to several signs it is weathering well some of the key diplomatic battles being waged by the Palestinians in connection with the renewed intifada. In contrast, Palestinian Authority officials are claiming on Palestinian radio that the international community is on their side, they have embarrassed and defeated the Israeli army, and have controlled the political success or failure of both Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and his predecessor, Binyamin Netanyahu.

Synagogues Targeted in Spreading Religious War

At the time of the most sacred biblical holidays, spanning Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), synagogues in Israel and across the world have been targeted by Jewish adversaries incensed by recent events in the Mideast. Israeli security forces believe that Arab residents and PA military forces have damaged the ancient Shalom al-Israel synagogue in Jericho, according to information received by the IDF in recent days. This follows the burning of Joseph’s Tomb on Saturday. The IDF believes that the PA is making urgent efforts to repair the building before the matter is … Read more

Clinton Sticks to Deadline For Answers to Peace Outline

With less than four weeks left in office, US President Bill Clinton is holding to a Wednesday deadline for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to agree to accept his “outline of principles” for resolving their differences. The short time fuse has intensified debate in Israel over surrendering parts of Jerusalem, especially the Temple Mount, and forced PLO chief Yasser Arafat into a critical decision concerning the “right of return” for Palestinian refugees.

Clinton Sticks to Deadline For Answers to Peace Outline

With less than four weeks left in office, US President Bill Clinton is holding to a Wednesday deadline for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to agree to accept his “outline of principles” for resolving their differences. The short time fuse has intensified debate in Israel over surrendering parts of Jerusalem, especially the Temple Mount, and forced PLO chief Yasser Arafat into a critical decision concerning the “right of return” for Palestinian refugees.

Clinton Peace Outline About to Unravel

US President Bill Clinton’s hopes of brokering a last-minute, face-saving peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is hanging by a thread as he prepares to meet with PLO chief Yasser Arafat on Tuesday in Washington. In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak all but threw in the towel today, suspending all contacts with the Palestinians and tightening an IDF closure on PA areas following a terrorist car bombing in Netanyahu that wounded more than 50 civilians.

Marked Escalation in Palestinian Intifada

The renewed Palestinian intifada appears headed towards a new spiral of violence, as armed Palestinian factions are vowing to revenge Israeli hits on militia commanders and Fatah attempts to mark the anniversary of its founding. Meanwhile, Israelis are trying to act with restraint following the murder of a Jewish hard-liner on Sunday morning and yet another terrorist bombing inside Israel yesterday.

Saddam Holds Another Parade for Intifada

Resurgent Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein presided on Sunday over a massive military parade in Baghdad under the name of the “Al-Aqsa Call” and intended to show support for the Palestinian uprising.

Arafat, Arab League Closing Door on Clinton

Outgoing US President Bill Clinton’s hasty drive to reach an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by January 20 sputtered again on Thursday when Arab foreign ministers enshrined the Palestinian right of return as “sacred.” The decision reinforces PLO chief Yasser Arafat’s hard-line stand on an issue Clinton’s “outline” for peace requires him to compromise and calls into question Washington’s claim Arafat has said “yes” to the president’s plan.

Update on Three Kidnapped Soldiers

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud BaraK today said the Red Cross will visit the three IDF soldiers kidnapped by Hizb’Allah on Saturday along the Lebanese border.

PLO Plans to Flood Jerusalem With Refugees

An Arab reporter for the Hebrew-language newspaper YERUSHALAYIM recently reviewed the plans of the Palestinian Authority should Israel cede control over east Jerusalem, which includes a plot to flood the city with Palestinian refugees.

Fatah Behind Terror Attack Inside Israel

Israel’s security services have captured the terrorist responsible for planting pipe bombs on a Tel Aviv bus two weeks ago, and it turns out he is a Fatah activist of Jordanian origin.

Palestinians Vow No Let Up In Intifada

Though some detected a “lull” in the three-month-old intifada due to fatigue, Palestinians used gunfire and firebombs to attack Israeli soldiers and civilians throughout Judea/Samaria and Gaza in recent days, following pledges by militant groups to continue the armed struggle with Israel until their political goals are achieved.

Clinton Runs Out of Time and Options For Mideast Peace

Outgoing US President Bill Clinton appears to have finally given up on his long quest to forge a landmark Israeli-Palestinian peace pact before leaving office, as his special Mideast envoy Dennis Ross on Wednesday postponed a planned trip to the region. The move is a setback to the electoral hopes of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who wanted Clinton to issue a “presidential declaration” on the status of negotiations to aid his waning chances for retaining office in early February balloting.

Rabbi Murdered on Way to Joseph’s Tomb

Early Sunday night, Israeli security forces discovered the bullet-ridden body of rabbi Hillel Lieberman, a dual US/Israeli citizen living in Elon Moreh, who was last seen heading for the scrorched Joseph’s Tomb in nearby Nablus (biblical Shechem) to salvage the synagogue’s Torah scroll.

Israel, PA Seek Quiet in Clinton’s Final Days

With US President Bill Clinton headed for the sidelines, Israeli and Palestinians negotiators have engaged in direct talks again in recent days, but there is little progress to report on either security or political issues. Both sides admit the gaps are too wide to conclude a “declaration of principles” before Clinton leaves office, and the immediate goal may be simply to prevent a fresh flare-up in his last week out of respect for the out-going American president.

Bush May Have Different Take on Sharon

Many leaders in the international community are troubled with the increasing probability that Likud chairman Ariel Sharon will be elected prime minister of Israel in early February, but US President-elect George W. Bush may have a different opinion, describing him recently as a “great warrior and hero of freedom and democracy.”

Palestinians Cheer Execution of ‘Collaborators’

Thumbing its nose at the international community, the Palestinian Authority summarily executed two alleged “collaborators” with Israel on Saturday in a desperate attempt to spread fear among Palestinians thinking of cooperating with Israeli security forces.

Israeli Farmer Found Murdered in Southern Gaza

Israel reversed course and re-imposed a strict closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, after the bullet-ridden body of a missing Israeli man was found this morning near his hothouse complex outside Kfar Yam, in the Gush Katif bloc.

Barak Slows Peace Process Ahead of Elections

With just three days left of the Clinton presidency’s hand in Mideast diplomacy and an Israeli election only three weeks away, Prime Minister Ehud Barak has decided to finally put peace negotiations with the Palestinians on the back burner for now.

Mitchell Team Sneaks Up On Temple Mount

Israel’s Foreign Ministry was “shocked” to learn that members of the US-led Mitchell fact-finding committee had visited the Temple Mount on Sunday without Israeli knowledge and accompanied by Islamic Waqf officials.

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