Less than half of born-again Christians now believe Jesus lived a sinless life, study shows

A new study shows that, since the COVID-19 pandemic, less than half of Americans who identify as born-again Christians believe that Jesus lived a sinless life when He walked the earth 2,000 years ago, the Christian Post reports. Published in the American Worldview Inventory 2023, the study was carried out by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University under the supervision of pollster George Barna.

Thousands Mourn TV Preacher Charles Stanley

Thousands of people paid their respects over the weekend to late U.S. preacher Charles Stanley who built a global evangelical broadcasting empire from the pulpit of his First Baptist Church in Atlanta.

New study reveals hidden portion of the Gospel of Matthew

A new study by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS) has brought to light a previously hidden section of the Gospel of Matthew, Christian Today reports. The study and its findings have been published in the New Testament Studies journal.

US: Revival breaking out at Historically Black Universities

As several other Christian colleges follow in the steps of the spontaneous revival meetings which first broke out at Kentucky’s Asbury Christian University last month, reports are coming in that students at a number of secular Historically Black Universities are also being suddenly drawn toward God, CBN News reports.

A further 41 Texas churches leave UMC over LGBTQ stance

A further 41 conservative congregations in Texas have now left The United Methodist Church amid ongoing disagreement over the Bible’s teaching on same-sex marriage and the ordination of openly gay and trans clergy, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

England: Large Anglican church to stop payments to Diocese in split over LGBT blessing ceremonies

A large Anglican church in Oxford, UK has announced it will stop making payments to its Church of England diocese because the denomination’s General Synod voted last month to allow clergy to perform blessings for same-sex marriages, Christian Today reports. In its announcement, the St Ebbe’s church in Oxford, England, said its communion with the Oxford diocese bishops was fractured over the partial acceptance of LGBT marriages. Accordingly, the church will be diverting payments to a trust fund instead.

Worthy Christian News