Two Chinese pastors in labor camp for holding meeting

25 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Two Chinese Protestant pastors accused of organizing an unauthorized Christian meeting are being held in labor camps near Beijing, a London-based religious rights group reported Thursday. Wang Li Gong, 34, and Yang Jing Fu, 36, are in two separate camps in Tianjing serving administrative sentences of one year, and one and one-half years, respectively, Christian Solidarity Worldwide said.

Turkmenistan deports last Russian Baptist missionary

23 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Turkmen police have expelled the last remaining Russian Baptist missionary in the country, the Keston News Service reported. Authorities ordered the deportation of Vitali Tereshin in March, but the missionary went into hiding to continue his work. He was located in April by Turkmenistan’s political police, the National Security Committee (KNB).

Nigeria high court sets June date to hear arguments on Sharia

LAGOS, 22 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Nigeria’s Federal High Court will hear arguments next month on the legality of Sharia law, which has sparked violent conflicts between Christians and Muslims in northern states where it has been introduced.

U.S. judge orders removal of Ten Commandments from Kentucky public buildings

18 May 2000 (Newsroom) — A U.S. federal court in Kentucky has ordered state officials to remove wall displays that include the Ten Commandments from classrooms in a public school district and two county courthouses. Judge Jennifer B. Coffman issued three nearly identical preliminary injunctions on May 5, arguing that the wall displays amounted to government endorsement of a particular religion, in conflict with the First Amendment.

Chinese police raid house churches across Guangdong province

15 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Chinese police have arrested more than 10 house-church leaders across the southern province of Guangdong over the past several days, according to an Australian-based monitoring group. Two evangelists, Ah Kong and Ah Yung, co-workers of well-known evangelist Li Dexian, were arrested Monday morning, the Christian group Voice of the Martyrs said. No other names were available at press time.

Methodist vote spurs gay activists to launch campaign

11 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Gay rights activists in the United Methodist Church have vowed to launch a nationwide campaign of civil disobedience in protest of three votes Thursday at the church’s general conference in Cleveland that maintained strictures against homosexuality.

Police investigate another Uganda cult leader

KAMPALA, 8 May, 2000 (Newsroom) — Police in western Uganda are investigating the popular leader of a cult whose membership numbers about 10,000 and who is building the largest house of worship in this East African nation.

China detains 47 members of Protestant group

7 May 2000 (Newsroom) — Chinese police have detained 47 members of a Protestant group in central Anhui province, according to the state press. The Jianghui Morning Daily said last week that six of the main leaders of the Quanfanwei (Holistic) Church face criminal charges for organizing an illegal sect and illegal gatherings.

Christians launch political organization in Nigeria

LAGOS, 7 May 2000 (Newsroom) – The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) launched a new political organization last week with the aim of more effectively mobilizing Christians to act in public affairs.

U.S. prepares for National Day of Prayer

2 May 2000 (Newsroom) – Americans across the country will meet to pray on Thursday for the 49th National Day of Prayer. Last year there were an estimated 20,000 prayer gatherings across the nation. Prayer events are scheduled in each one of the 50 states, organizers say.

Christians are being shot in public by Firing Squads in North Korea

SANTA ANA, CA (April 28, 2000) — Since October 1999 some 23 Christians have been killed in public by firing squads on falsified criminal charges in North Korea reports Open Doors, the ministry begun 45 years ago by Brother Andrew, the Dutch-born author of “God’s Smuggler.”

Indonesia vice president makes third peace mission to Moluccas

25 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Indonesia vice president Megawati Sukarnoputri is visiting the Molucca archipelago this week in a further attempt to diffuse tensions between Muslims and Christians that have resulted in an estimated 3,000 deaths since January 1999.

Christian leaders blast motion to impeach Nigeria president

LAGOS, 24 April 2000 (Newsroom) – Religious and political leaders have soundly condemned the attempt by a controversial senator to launch impeachment proceedings against Nigeria President Olusegun Obasanjo, a move they say is meant to embarrass the country’s first elected president in nearly two decades.

Chinese evangelist suffering as authorities decide his fate

18 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Chinese evangelist Li Dexian has been kept in chains since his arrest April 11 in Guangdong province and is suffering physical pain, according to a Christian monitoring group. The house church leader, who has been arrested 13 times since October for his unauthorized church activities, is in the middle of a 15-day sentence.

Chinese evangelist handed 15-day sentence

13 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Chinese evangelist Li Dexian has been sentenced to 15 days in prison following his arrest on Tuesday for holding an unauthorized religious meeting, according to the Christian advocacy organization Voice of the Marytrs Australia.

Churches in Nigeria lead relief effort for victims of religious riots

LAGOS, 13 April 2000 (Newsroom) – Churches throughout Nigeria continue to send relief supplies to help more than 50,000 people displaced by religious riots in the city of Kaduna in February. Many churches in the state of Kaduna have turned their compounds into rehabilitation centers as well and are assisting orphans and others left homeless by the fighting.

Nigeria’s Muslim states approve dialogue on Sharia

NIGERIA, 4 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Northern state governors in Nigeria have approved the formation of a committee of Muslims and Christians to dialogue on aspects of the controversial Sharia, or Islamic law, which was implemented by several states earlier this year.

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