Atlanta Baptists refuse to oust pro-homosexual congregations

HAPEVILLE, Ga. (BP)–An attempt to expel from the Atlanta Baptist Association two churches that affirm homosexuality came up short after messengers to the 93rd annual meeting of the association failed to reach a two-thirds majority.

Christians Attacked in Sri Lanka While Praying

SANTA ANA, CA (March 13, 2001) — One Christian was seriously injured and 35 more were hospitalized when about 100 Buddhist extremists assaulted the congregation of the Sanasum Sevana (New Life) Christian Center as they prayed on Sunday morning, February 18. The church is located in Nurwarawatte, near Hinguragoda, 220 kilometers northeast of the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo.

Horrifying reports filed by team assessing persecution in Indonesia

MANADO, Indonesia (BP)–A Christian human rights leader from the United States and a five-member delegation he was leading were detained for a day and a half by security forces in Indonesia’s strife-ravaged Malukan island chain before being released Feb. 24.

Battle For The Airwaves in the U.K. Continues

J Peter Wilson, Director of VOICE FM in the West Bromwich area of the British Midlands, and former Station Director of 97.2 Stray FM in Harrogate, Yorkshire, reports: “We have recently received the news that the Radio Authority has declined our application for the West Midlands FM License.

International Aid To Send Blankets, Medicines to Victims of Second El Salvador Quake

SPRING LAKE, Michigan (Feb. 15, 2001) — (Assist) It had been slightly more than a month since a devastating earthquake rocked El Salvador, killing more than 800 people and leaving 200,000 more homeless. Yet the forces of nature weren’t through with the Central American people: A second quake — this one measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale — ripped through the country early Tuesday morning, killing 237 people and injuring approximately 1700 more, many of them children who had just reported for school.

Four Christians Released By Saudi Authorities

ISTANBUL, February 15 (Compass) — Saudi Arabia released four Filipino Christians in Riyadh yesterday, 40 days after their arrest by the country’s strict Islamic police for conducting Christian worship services in a private home.

Persecution of Christians Growing in the United States

More Christians died for their faith in the twentieth century than at any other time in history, says Christian Solidarity International. Global reports indicate that over 150,000 Christians were martyred last year, chiefly outside of the United States. However, statistics are changing: persecution of Christians is on the increase in the United States. What’s happening to bring about this change?

Bush Government Retreats: The American Embassy Will Not Be Move to Jerusalem

Thus says the Lord: I have returned to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem

Yesterday (February 5, 2001) the American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, retreated from Bush’s campaign promise to start moving the Embassy of the United States from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Bush had promised that his first step on taking office would be to move the Embassy.

Jailed Pakistani Christian Evangelists Freed on Bail

ISTANBUL, January 22 (Compass) — After eight days in jail, two Pakistani evangelists arrested in Jacobabad for distributing Christian literature and tapes of the documentary “Jesus” film were released on bail January 19.

Bible Distribution In Turkey Reaches New Heights

ISTANBUL, TURKEY (January 9, 2001) — In 10 months of the year 2000, over 18,000 people have phoned, written, or e-mailed in for a free 2000 Turkish New Testament, according to a Bible distributor in Turkey, “the largest unreached nation in the world.”

“Drop by Drop, We Will Achieve…”

PASADENA, CA (October 28, 2000) – Latin American Indian Ministries (L.A.I.M.), a group which is committed to encourage, strengthen and support the indigenous communities of Latin American in their efforts to evangelize and disciple their own people, has launched a life-giving project to provide wells for the Tikuna Indians of South America and also to help rebuild a Bible Institute to train Amazon Indian leaders.

Group Seeks Peace In Time Of War

Nazareth, Israel (November 24, 2000) – Even amidst the turmoil in Israel, construction has started on the grounds of what will be the largest monument to peace on earth. The STAR OF PEACE, an international peace project located in Nazareth, Israel is designed to commemorate the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. To celebrate this occasion a universal monument to peace is being created. People from around the world will have the opportunity to have their name and message engraved in the memorial for the next millennium.

A New Generation of Media Savvy Christians is Making an Impact in Russia

MOSCOW, RUSSIA (November 9, 2000) — The “Moscow School of Broadcasting” is housed in an unassuming building about an hour south of Moscow. From the outside, it could be anything — an office building, a college dorm, or even an apartment complex. But inside, it’s a combination lecture hall and television studio, and the class is filled with 25 young Christians being trained to produce Christian programming for Russian television.

Ministries Partner Together in redeeming slaves in Sudan

Coral Ridge Ministries Partners with Christian Solidarity International to Redeem 2,000 Enslaved Women and Children in Sudan
The “Free the Slaves” Drive to be Announced on The Coral Ridge Hour

Worthy Christian News