Christians Take Part in Prayer-Walk Across Morocco

NICOSIA, CYPRUS (ANS) — Terry Ascott, Chief Executive Officer of the SAT-7 broadcasting organization has just returned from Morocco, where some of the SAT-7 team took part in “a wonderful week of prayer” for the country, seeking God’s blessing on the King, government and people of that important country.

International Concert of Prayer For Turkey

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO (ANS) — The US office of Turkish World Outreach has received an invitation from the International Turkey Network for churches to participate in an “International Concert of Prayer for Turkey.”

Police Arrest Turkish Christian in Gaziantep

ISTANBUL, (Compass) — Four security police from Gaziantep’s anti-terrorism division raided a Turkish Christian’s home on the night of April 11, placing him under arrest for five days pending investigation of accusations against him.

Providing Hope to Ukrainian Street Children

With the Soviet Union’s breakup in 1989, Dmytro Voznyuk was one of Ukraine’s gospel preachers who burst forth in a flurry of evangelistic activity. As he conducted gospel meetings, souls were converted, new believers were discipled, and churches planted through Bethlehem Mission and Orphanage.

Unusual Courage in 2001

Every now and then, a little bit of justice sneaks up on the culture at a time when you least expect it. Case in point; A short time ago, 16 year-old Elliot Chambers borrowed and then wore to school, his sister’s “straight pride” sweatshirt. Elliot has a similar tee shirt of his own with the same in your face, not too subtle, pro-traditional family message.

Turkey releases jailed Christian after 30 days

ISTANBUL, April 7 (Compass) — Two Turkish Christians imprisoned near Izmir for a month on concocted charges of insulting Islam were ordered released March 30, after prosecution witnesses admitted that local gendarmarie officials pressured them to sign prepared complaints.

Southern Protestants Officially Recognized in Vietnam

HO CHI MINH CITY, April 5 (Compass) — For the first time since the communist takeover in 1975, authorities in Vietnam have granted legal recognition to a Protestant organization in the south. Most observers see the move as a positive development, but they warn it is only one step on the long road to religious freedom in this Southeast Asian nation.

First Uzbek Edition of Proverbs Published in Tashkent

ISTANBUL, April 5 (Compass) — An Uzbekistan government official publicly hailed the Bible as “a priceless source of knowledge” during a March ceremony marking the first local publication of an Uzbek edition of Proverbs.

Southern Baptists ending talks with Roman Catholics

ATLANTA (ABP) — Southern Baptist leaders have informed the Roman Catholic Church that they are cutting off official conversations between the two groups that have been going off and on for 30 years.

House lawmakers introduce faith-based package

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Pressing forward despite criticism of President George W. Bush’s faith-based initiative, a bipartisan group of House lawmakers has unveiled the sweeping “Community Solutions Act.” The law would expand funding of religiously oriented social services and allow non-itemizers to deduct charitable giving from their taxable income.

‘With God, all things are possible’ ruled constitutional as Ohio motto

COLUMBUS, Ohio (BP)–A 9-4 federal court ruling for Ohio’s motto, “With God, all things are possible,” is “an important victory for freedom and a sound defeat for those who want to strip our nation of its religious heritage,” constitutional attorney Jay Sekulow said.

Groups release guidelines on churches using tax funds

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Launching a major effort to educate churches about the perils of taking tax dollars for social-service ministries, the Baptist Joint Committee and the Interfaith Alliance released a guide March 13 that will be distributed to 20,000 houses of worship.

Bush faith initiative meeting roadblocks

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Amid growing criticism from the Religious Right, Republican lawmakers are stalling implementation of President Bush’s sweeping plan to expand “charitable choice” programs that provide government funding of religiously oriented social ministries.

Worthy Christian News