Faith’s role in birth of science reviewed at think tank conference

SEATTLE (BP)–Today’s scientific advances owe their genesis to Christianity, and every new discovery of the cosmos is an affirmation of God at work in the universe he created, noted scientists and educators said in addressing a “Cosmos and Creator” conference at the Discovery Institute public policy think tank in Seattle.

Annual report cites nations for religious-freedom abuses

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Abuses of religious freedom worsened last year in China and the Sudan, according to the second annual report of a government commission set up to monitor religious persecution abroad.

Baptist, Jewish congregants share Passover Seder service

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. (BP)–I can’t believe I waited 41 years for this,” exclaimed Frank Ingram, pastor of Westside Baptist Church in Boynton Beach, Fla. about the Passover Seder his church celebrated with Kol Dodi Messianic Congregation on Palm Sunday.

Tulsa County School Authorities Agree to Uphold Student/Teacher Religious Expression

TULSA, Okla. – Rutherford Institute affiliate attorneys have settled a lawsuit brought on behalf of two students and one teacher who were denied their constitutional rights to form an extracurricular Bible club at McLain High School Career Academy. The lawsuit charges that McLain school officials violated the students’ and teacher’s First Amendment rights of free speech, freedom of association, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of religion as well as their Fourteenth Amendment right of equal protection, and the Federal Equal Access Act.

Turkish Court Releases Jailed Christian in Southeast

ISTANBUL, July 5 (Compass) — An Assyrian Christian arrested a month ago for taking home videos in an ancient churchyard in Turkey’s heavily militarized Southeast was ordered released today by Diyarbakir’s State Security Court.

ACLJ: Nation at “Cultural Crossroads” On National Day of Prayer

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, said today the country is standing at a “cultural crossroads” on this National Day of Prayer as religious expression – including prayer – is under attack by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union.

Alert Update: Victory Report from Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON D.C. (HSLDA) – Your calls have made the difference! Please STOP calling your congressman! Home schoolers are now fully protected from federal control in H.R. 1. Praise the Lord!

Christian Outcry Over Blair Ban on Religious Groups

STOKE-ON-TRENT, UK (ANS) Tens of thousands of Christians are this week calling on the British Government to lift a ban on national religious broadcasting, in response to news that a Government forum on the future of religious broadcasting is set to exclude independent religious broadcasters.

ACLJ Applauds House Approval of Unborn Victims of Violence Act

(Washington, DC) — The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, today applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for approving the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which makes it a federal crime to harm an unborn child.

Australian Salvationists Combine for Prayer Summit

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA (ANS) — More than 200 Salvationist from throughout Australia gathered for a National Prayer Summit in Canberra recently. The aim of the summit was to gather representatives of the Army together to submit to God, seek his heart, and to pray, expecting transformations in the life of the nation.

Businessmen From South Dakota Broadcast Programs to Mongolia

SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA (ANS) — A unique group of South Dakotans has been reaching out by broadcast television to the people of Mongolia.
The AMONG Foundation (American MONGolian) started in 1991 as a random group of Christian business people who came together to pray for the country of Mongolia, which was just then coming out of Communism.

Indian Tribes Form Alliance To Evangelize All the Tribes of the Amazon Basin

FILADELFIA, AMAZONAS, BRAZIL (ANS) – Ticuna missionary Eli Leao, executive head of OMITTAS, the Ticuna tribal missionary organization, announced the formation of an agreement between OMITTAS and the Matses pastors of Peru, to launch a joint effort to evangelize all the “wild” Indians of the Javary Rover valley, the divide between Brazil and Peru in the remotest part of the Amazon jungles.

…and a child shall lead them

Antonio Peck didn’t know his New York school wanted to change his values. So when his teacher told him to make an environmental poster for parent’s day, the kindergartner simply combined what he had learned in class with the message on his heart. He drew:

Worthy Christian News