Ancient Israel, the Zodiac, and the Sun God

The latest edition of Biblical Archaeology Review asks an interesting question: Did some ancient Jews observe the Zodiac and worship Helios, the Greek sun god? Raiders News Update believes 2 Kings 23: 11 and similar verses prove this to be true–but what does this mean?

ACLJ Applauds Bush Decision on Stem Cell Research

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm and educational organization, said President Bush’s decision to prohibit the use of federal funds to destroy human embryos to obtain stem cells for research is the “correct” decision on this critical issue.


ORLANDO, FLORIDA (ANS) — In 1995 God gave Eddie and Alice Smith an instruction to launch “PrayUSA!” which was 40-days of prayer and fasting for revival and spiritual awakening in the U.S. The first PrayUSA! was in 1997. Later, CBN News declared that it was the largest fasting and prayer initiative in history.

Public School Peddles Book Promoting Witchcraft

Enterprise, Utah – An elementary school in Enterprise, Utah was recently caught pedaling a book to elementary school students entitled, “The Wizards Handbook”. The Scholastic Book Club order form promotes the book by stating, “Find the Wizard Inside YOU!” and “Make your own magic wands, cast spells, predict the future, and lots more!”

Robertson to Focus on Ministry, Roberta Combs Becomes Next President of Christian Coalition of Ameri

Washington, DC – With a profound sense of gratitude and deepest appreciation for his selfless sacrifices on behalf of grassroots Christian citizens across America, the Christian Coalition Board of Directors today accepted the resignation of Founder and President Dr. Pat Robertson and elected him the organization’s first President Emeritus. Roberta Combs, who had been Executive Vice President, was elected to succeed Robertson as President.

Byron School District Refutes Claims that Islam

Byron, CA–The staff of the Byron Union School District and especially of its Excelsior School have spent the day fielding indignant and often threatening phone calls, e-mails, and faxes–virtually all from outside the community–based on a story by the Reverend Austin Miles of the ASSIST News Service and picked up by radio station 560 KSFO.

Who is the Enemy?

Listening via television to evangelist Billy Graham’s stirring words of spiritual comfort and encouragement at the national prayer and memorial service in Washington DC on Friday, I recalled that the last time I saw the towering World Trade Center was the same day I spoke at his ministry headquarters in Minneapolis. It was a great honor to address his staff of over 300 dedicated workers last August 6 just before boarding a plane to Newark airport on my way back to my home at the center of the world, Jerusalem Israel.

ACLJ Asks Supreme Court to Hear National Day of Prayer Case From Arizona

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, today filed a petition for certiorari at the U.S. Supreme Court asking the court to hear an equal access case from Arizona and to overturn a federal appeals court decision that said the City of Tucson acted properly when it discriminated against a couple, Patricia and Robert Gentala, who organized a public event celebrating the National Day of Prayer in 1997.

Operation Mobilization Announces Search For New Ship

ATLANTA, GA (ANS) — Operation Mobilization has begun the search for a vessel to replace one of the current OM ships. The mission agency’s ship ministry currently operates the M. V. DOULOS and M. V. LOGOS II and would like to replace the latter with a larger ship to expand ministry capabilities.

Turkish Court Releases Jailed Christian in Southeast

ISTANBUL, July 5 (Compass) — An Assyrian Christian arrested a month ago for taking home videos in an ancient churchyard in Turkey’s heavily militarized Southeast was ordered released today by Diyarbakir’s State Security Court.

‘Mother God’ worshipped at group’s gathering for CBF annual meeting

ATLANTA (BP)–With songs and prayers to “Mother God,” an auxiliary organization of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship opened its annual meeting at the CBF General Assembly Thursday with a clear message — the current controversy is about more than women pastors. The annual Baptist Women in Ministry breakfast was rife with stridently feminist God language, culminating in a litany read by BWIM members about their discomfort at calling God “Father,” “Lord,” and “King.”

ACLJ Applauds Supreme Court Decision Protecting Religious Organizations

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm, said today a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning a federal appeals court that prevented a New York Christian youth group from using a public school after-hours is “an important victory for the First Amendment and sends a powerful message that religious organizations must receive equal treatment.”

Worthy Christian News