Transgenics Creating Real Monsters?

The science of transgenics is moving forward despite bad publicity surrounding genetically modified foods. When it involves ‘enhancing the human species,’ the Bible has something to say.

The Triumph of the Cross

“In returning and rest you shall be saved, In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. But you would not…” – Isaiah 30:15
Little Tanya seemed to be a healthy baby. Then one terrifying day the mother found her little girl finger-painting in her playpen. Where did the red paint come from? With horror, the mother discovered that the tip of her daughter’s finger was missing. The curly-haired toddler had bitten it off and was smearing her own blood. She felt no pain because leprosy had numbed her nerves.

Urgent Message On Behalf of Turkish World Outreach


“Things here are not looking too great now and we may not be able to stay here much longer. There are already some problems that we are definitely aware of here,” wrote the correspondent.

Baptist prisoner’s family pressured to convert to Islam in Turkmenistan

OXFORD, England (BP)–The wife and children of Baptist prisoner Shageldy Atakov in Turkmenistan have been told by the local mullah, administration officials and officers of the country’s political police, the KNB (former KGB), that they may not believe in Jesus Christ and must convert to Islam. According to a statement from local Baptists — passed on to Keston News Service by the German-based Friedensstimme mission — officials in the town of Kaakhka, close to Turkmenistan’s southern border with Iran, also warned Atakov’s wife, Artygyul, that the family home would be confiscated if Christians continue to meet there.

UFOs: Prelude To Invasion By New Age Deity?

When news came across the wire recently that police officers in several Illinois counties witnessed an unidentified flying object the size of a three-story house, and that one of them had snapped a Polaroid of the triangular object, I sat up an took notice. Unlike many UFO buffs, law enforcement personnel are credible, trained observers. The FBI and the National Institute for Discovery Science are following up on the as yet undetermined phenomenon.

Gospel “making a difference” in Uganda

Expanding from 14 churches in 1993 to 50 today, one native ministry in Uganda reports that the gospel of Jesus Christ is making headway in that central African nation.

School District Reverses Decision, Allows Christian Clubs on Campus

Mission Viejo, CA – The Saddleback Valley Unified School District voted Tuesday to reverse their decision to ban all non-academic clubs including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other Christian clubs. The decision was made with a 4-0 vote and one abstention.

“Resistance Is Futile.

The Borg (“Cyborg”) are considered by Star Trek fans to be the greatest villains ever introduced to television audiences. The biological and technological terrors made their debute on May 8th, 1989 in the “Q, Who?” episode of The Next Generation. “This is the Borg Collective,” they said menacingly. “Prepare to be assimilated. We will add your biological and technological distinctives to our own. You will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”

Russia: Re-Registration Figures For Religious Organizations

OXFORD, ENGLAND (ANS) – According to the as yet unpublished official Ministry of Justice figures, 20,215 religious organizations were re-registered in Russia by the deadline of 31 December 2000. Speaking to Keston on 2 April, head of the department for re-registration of religious organizations, Viktor Korolyov, confirmed that 10 per cent of those registered before the adoption of the 1997 law on religion, or approximately 1,500 organizations, had failed to re-register. He stressed, however, that no one was rushing to liquidate them, but that this would take place ‘in accordance with the law’.

Seminary profs reflect on study on healthful benefits of prayer

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)–With a heart institute study showing that prayer helps patients improve, two Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary professors warn against depending upon scientific verification of a spiritual exercise.

Shallow choruses have replaced scriptural hymns, panelists say

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–Christian hymns should follow the biblical example found in Deuteronomy 31-32, where God gave Moses a song to teach the Israelites, said Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor Daniel Block.

Southern Baptists to discontinue discussions with Roman Catholics

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP)–North American Mission Board (NAMB) officials have announced plans next year to conclude a series of talks with representatives of the Roman Catholic Church about the Bible’s role in the Christian faith.

Piper says prayer is essential in battling spiritual warfare

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP)–Just as Olympic athletes are at war with their bodies, so in the spiritual realm “life is war” for Christians, a prominent evangelical author and minister told students at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C., during the annual Carver-Barnes Lectures, Sept. 24-25.

Worthy Christian News