New report: Over 100 US Christian schools are connected to Planned Parenthood

A new study has shown that 103 US Christian colleges and universities in the United States have had connections to Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, the Christian Post (CP) reports. The study was conducted by the Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPLA), which asserts that a connection with Planned Parenthood is an “endorsement of abortion violence.”

Alabama: Pastor’s wife killed by stray bullet during Bible study in Mobile County

A pastor’s wife in Mobile County, Alabama was killed during a Bible study last week when a stray bullet shot from outside went through a door of the church she was in and hit her in the chest, Christian Today (CT) reports. Police have arrested and charged an Alabama woman with murder and shooting into an occupied dwelling.

China Christians Face Tough New Year

Devoted Christians in China were looking towards the New Year on Friday with little reason to cheer amid concerns the Communist government will continue a crackdown on worship outside state churches.

Hungarian Christmas Cheer In Shoeboxes

Hungarian churches and charities have begun distributing support to thousands of impoverished children, including those who lost parents amid the raging coronavirus pandemic.

“Prayer can help patients’ health” says respected cancer practitioner

A well-respected cancer practitioner stated in a recent USA Today article that he believes prayer can have a significant positive impact on patients’ health, Christian Headlines (CH) reports. A medical director at the Center for Recurrent Cancer in Florida, Dr. Gary Onik said his belief is based on both personal and clinical experience.

Poll: Less than half of Americans pray every day

A 2021 poll by the Pew Research Center has found that 45% of US adults say they pray every day, compared to 55% in 2014 and 58% in 2007, the Christian Post (CP) reports. Conducted from May 29 to August 25, the poll found that 32% of US adults rarely or never pray.

New Poll: Nearly 30% of Americans have no Religious Affiliation

A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows that 29% of US adults say they have no religious affiliation, the Washington Examiner reports. The poll defines those who are unaffiliated as “people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or ‘nothing in particular’ when asked about their religious identity.”

New poll: Only 40% of millennials engaged in Christian practices

A new survey shows there is significant indifference toward Christianity among US millennials, with only four in ten young adults having engaged in practices such as attending church or studying the Bible in the previous month, Christian Headlines (CH) reports.

Increased church vandalism in US: “We must regain respect” says Archbishop

Amid increased vandalism of churches across America, on Friday the Lititz Church of the Brethren in Lancaster, Pennsylvania discovered satanic messages chalked on its exterior, CBN News reports. Concerning the recent spike in anti-Christian vandalism nationwide, the Archbishop of Denver said Churches must “regain respect.”

Worthy Christian News