UK government: Christian teaching on homosexuality will not be criminalized

UK officials have told a group of Church leaders that the government has no intention of criminalizing Christian teaching on homosexuality, the Christian Post report. Officials gave the assurance last week at a meeting of leaders who are concerned any future ban on conversion therapy may ultimately criminalize and punish Christians who teach against LGBT ideology.

Pastor appealing to US Supreme Court after Vimeo deleted testimony of his exit from gay lifestyle

A California pastor who was homosexual before giving his life to Christ is asking the US Supreme Court to intervene in a case he brought against Vimeo, after the platform deleted video testimonies of his successful exit from the gay lifestyle. Claiming unfair discrimination and a violation of his right to freedom of expression and religion, Rev. Jim Domen of United Church in Newport Beach filed papers with the US Supreme Court last week.

Hungarians: ‘Don’t Make Quoting Bible A Crime’

Thousands of Hungarian Christians rallied Sunday near Finland’s embassy in Budapest against the “hate speech” trial of two prominent Finns who publicly quoted the Bible on homosexuality.

Madagascar Christians Rebuild After Deadly Cyclone

Christians are trying to rebuild “their lives and ministries” after Cyclone Batsirai hit the island nation of Madagascar, killing more than 100 people and destroying many churches and homes, aid workers told Worthy News.

Tonga Christians say God protected their nation from volcanic eruption more powerful than Hiroshima

Tongan Christians have publicly given thanks to God for saving their South Pacific island kingdom when a massive volcanic eruption, which NASA experts say was hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb, poured over the tiny nation on January 15, Christianity Today (CT) reports. Given the intensity of the eruption and the potential for destruction, many say it is a miracle that the number of casualties was not exceedingly higher than three.

Report: Global religious population growing faster than non-religious

A new report by Lifeway Research has shown that the population of religious people is growing at a faster rate than the population of non-religious people, the Christian Post (CP) reports. In particular, the report showed that the number of Christians worldwide increased 1.17% from 2000 to 2022.

‘New York Church Pastor Killed By Son’

Members of a New York City church are grieving and praying after a 40-year-old man was charged with killing his mother, who was also the pastor.

Conservative religious parents have better success at transmitting faith to their children than moderates or liberals, study finds

A new study has found that religious conservative parents have greater success in passing their faith on to their children than liberal or moderate parents do, Christian Headlines (CH) reports. Published in the journal Sociology of Religion, the study contends this outcome is partly due to conservative parents being more likely to pray and discuss God in the home.

Canada: Thousands of pastors coordinate day to preach on Christian sexuality

In a response to the passing of a new Canadian law that bans ‘conversion therapy’ for gay people, some four thousand US pastors took Sunday, January 16 as a day on which to preach coordinated sermons on Christian sexuality, Church Leaders reports. The day of preaching was triggered by fear that a similar anti-conversion therapy law could be passed in America, and that it could ultimately lead to the criminalization of Christianity there.

New study shows that reading the Bible increases hope

A recent study has shown that reading Scripture on a regular basis can substantially improve people’s sense of hope, Christianity Today (CT) reports. The study was conducted by the American Bible Society (ABS) with help from Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program.

Worthy Christian News