83 faith-based groups urge Senators to reject same-sex marriage bill

A coalition of 83 conservative Christian and faith-based groups have written to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, imploring Senators to oppose a bill just approved by the House that would ensure same-sex marriage remains legal if the Supreme Court reverses its 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, Christian Headlines (CH) reports.

Poll: Majority of Americans believe religious liberty is declining in US

A new poll by Lifeway Research has found that 54% of Americans believe religious liberty is declining in the US, and 59% believe that tolerance of Christianity specifically is declining, CBN News reports. The poll found that evangelical believers are more likely (74%) to say religious liberty is declining than those who are not evangelical (48%).

Three US states allow doctors to refuse to carry out medical procedures against their faith

The Republican-led US states of South Carolina, Arkansas, and Ohio now have laws in place allowing doctors to refuse to carry out certain medical procedures against their religious beliefs, Christianity Today (CT) reports. The religious conscience protection laws affect practices related to gender transition, end-of-life care, contraception, and abortion.

Just 3% of global missions focus on unreached people groups

Only 3% of Christian missionaries globally are focused on trying to share the Gospel with the three billion people living in communities that have never been reached or have been reached the least, with Christ’s message of salvation, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

Worthy Christian News