Survivors of Jihad attack in Indonesia’s Moluccas under threat

9 August 2000 (Newsroom) — Some 2,000 survivors of an attack last week on a Christian village on Indonesia’s eastern island of Ambon are hiding under life-threatening conditions in a nearby jungle, according to the Missionary Service News Agency (MISNA).

Xu Yongze Released from Labor Camp in China

China’s most famous house church prisoner, Mr. Xu Yongze, is free. The 58-year-old founder of the Born Again movement was released on May 16, after serving a three-year “re-education through labor” sentence for establishing an illegal organization in China.

Christian groups in Nigeria launch program to aid victims of persecution

LAGOS, Nigeria, 5 August 2000 (Newsroom) — A Christian initiative aimed at rehabilitating individuals and churches traumatized during sectarian riots in Kaduna earlier this year was launched in Lagos by a Pentecostal assembly, the Living Waters Unlimited Church.

Open Doors Issues Persecution World Watch List

SANTA ANA, CA (July 18, 2000) (ASSIST) — Although Indonesia is only 25th on the Open Doors .World Watch List of worst persecutors of Christians, it is “rapidly getting out of control,” says Terry Madison, USA President and CEO of Open Doors with Brother Andrew.

Two churches hit with bomb attacks in India

Bomb blasts damaged two churches in India’s southern Karnataka state over the weekend as Christians across the nation staged marches and rallies to protest sectarian violence.

Christians Targeted in Sierra Leone

Rebel soldiers have targeted Christians and churches of various denominations during the past year as this West African country’s civil war, one of the region’s bloodiest conflicts, shows few signs of abating.

Worthy Christian News