Taliban Arrest 35 More Afghans in Alledges Missionary Probe

Taliban authorities arrested 35 more Afghan aid workers over the weekend, bringing the total to more than 50 Afghans jailed by the strict Islamist regime since early August on suspicion of aiding covert Christian missionary work.

Bush Team Backs Israel, Set Conditions For Meeting Arafat

US Secretary of State Colin Powell has affirmed that Israel’s use of American-supplied weapons in pre-emptive strikes against Palestinian terrorists is not a breach of the contractual terms of sale, while other Bush administration officials continue to stand behind Israel’s dogged fight against Palestinian terrorism. Yet the question remains whether US President George W. Bush is about to cave in and finally hold his first meeting with PLO chief Yasser Arafat.

Israel Jolted By String of Sunday Terror Attacks

It was a brutal start to the Israeli work week, as two suicide bombings and a drive-by shooting left 5 Israelis dead and 110 injured on Sunday. The spate of attacks hit the nation hard, as one of the suicide bombers is believed to be the first recruited from the Israeli Arab community, while pressure is growing to cancel a pending meeting between Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO chief Yasser Arafat this week.

Military Assures White Christmas for Missionaries

A high rank military official here who spoke on condition of anonymity told ASSIST News Service that American missionary couple Martin and Gracia Bunrham will have a white Christmas as they will have their freedom from their captors before Christmas.

Parents See Detained Aid Workers In Afghanistan

Parents of two American women have seen their daughters for the first time since they and 22 other aid workers were arrested August 5th on charges of spreading Christianity in Islamic Afghanistan. The Bakhtar News Agency (BNA) described the visit as an “emotional reunion” between the mother of Dana Curry, and the father of the other woman, Heather Mercy.

Underground Church in Vietnam Ready to ‘Grow Forth’

AgapePress) – The underground church in Vietnam is planning to plant some 10,000 new churches in the next five years.

Joseph Lee is founder of Tribes and Nations Outreach based in Manila, Philippines. He tells Assist Communications that the underground church in Vietnam is composed of 21 major groups, and their leaders have requested his outreach to print 20,000 sets of worker training books in Vietnamese.

Red Cross Visits Christian Workers Faced With Execution

Members of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have visited in Kabul eight Western and Sixteen Afghan aid workers, who face possible execution for allegedly spreading Christianity in war ravaged Afghanistan. The Sunday visit was the first contact the prisoners had with the outside world, since being detained three weeks ago under the Taliban regime’s strict interpretation of Islamic law.

Children ‘dedicated’ as temple prostitutes

“When we came to the village, these little girls–only four or five years old–started pulling our hands, wanting us to go to their mothers,” says Arun Massey, director of Rahab’s Trust, an indigenous ministry in India that works with temple prostitutes.

Gospel “making a difference” in Uganda

Expanding from 14 churches in 1993 to 50 today, one native ministry in Uganda reports that the gospel of Jesus Christ is making headway in that central African nation.

Delayed Anointing and Laying of the Cornerstone

Due to the situation which currently exists in Israel, the Israeli authorities decided that the anointing and laying of the cornerstone for the Third Temple could not be performed on the 16th October as we had planned to do. Up until the last moment the authorities told us that the event could go ahead but then, because of the events which occurred on that day, they took this decision.

Israel’s chief rabbi opposes shared Jerusalem or Temple Mount

JERUSALEM (BP)–In a development likely to intensify the debate surrounding the future of Jerusalem, Israel’s chief rabbi has taken a stand against the idea of dividing or sharing sovereignty over the city, CNSNews.com reported Jan. 23.

The Arabs Continue to Dig, to Destroy the Remains of the Temple and to Build Mosques

The Arabs on the Temple Mount, who actually represent the PLO and the terrorist, Yasser Arafat, continue to dig, to destroy the remains of the temple and to build mosques on the Temple Mount, the most holy place of G–d and Israel and all the earth. They have not only started to do this now but have been doing so for years.

The Arabs Continue to Dig, to Destroy the Remains of the Temple and to Build Mosques

The Arabs on the Temple Mount, who actually represent the PLO and the terrorist, Yasser Arafat, continue to dig, to destroy the remains of the temple and to build mosques on the Temple Mount, the most holy place of G–d and Israel and all the earth. They have not only started to do this now but have been doing so for years.

A Synagogue on the Temple Mount?

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate has appointed a special committee which is scheduled to meet on Tuesday to examine for the first time proposals for building a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

Arab Hatred Still Wrecking Durban Conference

After the US and Israeli exit on Monday from the UN conference on racism in Durban, European states emerged as the primary players crossing swords with the Arab/Islamic bloc over their disturbing agenda to condemn the Jewish State for “racist” and “apartheid” policies. The Arab bloc is denying charges it derailed the gathering with its strident anti-Zionist campaign, claiming they were merely stating the “facts,” but their efforts may be driving a wedge in the Non-Aligned Movement that often dictates UN affairs.

Putin Blasts Terrorism Against Civilians

ICEJ NEWS – 09/05/2001 On his three-day visit to Moscow, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, receiving some encouraging support in the battle against Palestinian terrorism, but with no apparent breakthrough in Israel’s bid to halt Russian arms sales and nuclear transfers to Iran. Sharon’s agenda has included attempts to enlist Russian help in a worldwide campaign to exert pressure on PLO chief Yasser Arafat to stop the intifada violence, to convince Putin to reduce nuclear supplies and know-how to Iran, and to interest Russian businessmen in Israeli opportunities. … Read more

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