The Arabs Continue to Dig, to Destroy the Remains of the Temple and to Build Mosques

The Arabs on the Temple Mount, who actually represent the PLO and the terrorist, Yasser Arafat, continue to dig, to destroy the remains of the temple and to build mosques on the Temple Mount, the most holy place of G–d and Israel and all the earth. They have not only started to do this now but have been doing so for years.

The Arabs Continue to Dig, to Destroy the Remains of the Temple and to Build Mosques

The Arabs on the Temple Mount, who actually represent the PLO and the terrorist, Yasser Arafat, continue to dig, to destroy the remains of the temple and to build mosques on the Temple Mount, the most holy place of G–d and Israel and all the earth. They have not only started to do this now but have been doing so for years.

A Synagogue on the Temple Mount?

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate has appointed a special committee which is scheduled to meet on Tuesday to examine for the first time proposals for building a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

Arab Hatred Still Wrecking Durban Conference

After the US and Israeli exit on Monday from the UN conference on racism in Durban, European states emerged as the primary players crossing swords with the Arab/Islamic bloc over their disturbing agenda to condemn the Jewish State for “racist” and “apartheid” policies. The Arab bloc is denying charges it derailed the gathering with its strident anti-Zionist campaign, claiming they were merely stating the “facts,” but their efforts may be driving a wedge in the Non-Aligned Movement that often dictates UN affairs.

Putin Blasts Terrorism Against Civilians

ICEJ NEWS – 09/05/2001 On his three-day visit to Moscow, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, receiving some encouraging support in the battle against Palestinian terrorism, but with no apparent breakthrough in Israel’s bid to halt Russian arms sales and nuclear transfers to Iran. Sharon’s agenda has included attempts to enlist Russian help in a worldwide campaign to exert pressure on PLO chief Yasser Arafat to stop the intifada violence, to convince Putin to reduce nuclear supplies and know-how to Iran, and to interest Russian businessmen in Israeli opportunities. … Read more

An Upheaval in the Israeli Government: Ariel Sharon Elected as Prime Minister

Ariel Sharon, the leader of the Likud Part in Israel and ex-general of the IDF, was yesterday (February 7, 2001) elected as the new Prime Minister of Israel. He was supported by 62.6% of the voters while only 37.4% supported Ehud Barak. Never before in Israel has a prime Minister been elected by such a high percentage of the voters.

Syrian Agents Rough Up Lebanese Christians

The crackdown on Christians opposed to the Syrian stranglehold over Lebanon continues, as plain-clothes Syrian agents infiltrated a peaceful rally late last week and beat up protesters, cameramen and even local police.

Rare Blip Appears In Powell Nomination

In the first spot on an otherwise squeaky clean record, US Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell has run into a flap for recently accepting a large sum of money for delivering a university lecture subsidized by a senior Lebanese official with ties to Syrian intelligence.

Saudi Arabia Is Again The World’s Worst Persecutor of Christians

SANTA ANA, CA (ANS) – Turkmenistan has moved to fifth place on the Open Doors World Watch List of worst persecutors of Christians, behind Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Laos and China, causing “great concern” to persecution watchers around the world.

Saudi Red Tape Delays Foreign Christians’ Release

ISTANBUL, January 21 (Compass) — Six of 14 foreign Christians slated for deportation from Saudi Arabia have been released for return to their home countries during the past 10 days. But another eight prisoners and their families remain entangled in a process that could take weeks to resolve.

Three Christian Prisoners Still Held In Saudi Arabia

ISTANBUL, February 11 (Compass) — Five more jailed Christians caught in deportation wrangles in Jeddah since December have been released to their home countries during the past two weeks, leaving one Filipino and two Ethiopians still under detention by Saudi authorities.

Saudi Arabia Ignores Consular Access Request

ISTANBUL, November 5 (Compass) — At least 12 foreign Christians jailed months ago in the Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah remain under arrest in the Sharafia detention facility, despite verbal reports that investigations of their case were completed weeks ago.

Jeddah Police Holding 13 Foreign Christians In Custody

ISTANBUL (Compass) — At least 13 foreign Christians have been arrested since mid July in Jeddah, where Saudi Arabia’s religious police are apparently trying to track down Saudi nationals thought to have contact with expatriate house churches in the city.

Foreign Christians Still Locked up in Jeddah

ISTANBUL, November 27 (Compass) — More than a dozen foreign Christians remain jailed in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah, where local authorities have for months ignored inquiries and notes of protest from consulates requesting diplomatic access to their imprisoned citizens.

Turkish Court Releases Jailed Christian in Southeast

An Assyrian Christian arrested a month ago for taking home videos in an ancient churchyard in Turkey’s heavily militarized Southeast was ordered released today by Diyarbakir’s State Security Court.

Land of the Pyramids Hinders Christian Outreach

Inescapably intertwined with Bible history, Egypt and much of her history has had great impact over the years on Judaism, then Christianity. From Joseph being appointed as second-in-command to Pharaoh, to Moses leading the Jews through the wilderness of the Sinai Peninsula, to the infant Jesus and His family seeking refuge, the stories are familiar to us. Egypt’s recorded history dates back to 3200 BC. This land that straddles parts of two continents–Africa and Asia–rose to world wide prominence as a series of Pharaohs who ruled the Land of the Nile oversaw incredible feats of engineering that resulted in the … Read more

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