Iraqi Christians Fleeing to Jordan, Syria

A quiet but steady hemorrhaging of Iraq’s ancient Christian presence is underway and little is being doWritten threats, kidnappings, bombings and murder by Muslim extremists are driving thousands of Iraq’s minority Christian population out of their ancestral homeland, fleeing for safety to neighboring Jordan and to stem the flow.

One Iranian Pastor Still Jailed

Protestant church leaders in Iran learned this morning that one of 10 evangelical pastors reportedly released from detention by police authorities on September 12 is still being held incommunicado.

Iran: Police Detain 80 Iranian Evangelicals

Iranian police invaded the annual general conference of Iran’s Assemblies of God Church yesterday, arresting at least 80 church leaders gathered at the church’s denominational center in Karaj, 20 miles west of Tehran.

Iranian Police Arrest Christian Pastor

Iranian police arrested a Protestant Christian pastor in northern Iran three days ago, jailing him along with his wife and two teenage children.

Christian Couple Escape from Egypt

Thirteen months after Egypt jailed and tortured a Coptic Christian pharmacist for marrying a former Muslim woman, Boulos Farid Rezek-Allah Awad has finally been allowed to emigrate from Egypt to Canada.

Egypt: Police Officer Murders Three Christians

A police officer in El Minia, Egypt, drove a truck into a canal killing three of his five bound prisoners, including an elderly church leader, according to a report from the U.K-based Barnabas Fund.

Open Doors: Iraqi Christians Again Living In Fear

Open Doors with Brother Andrew – a worldwide ministry to the Persecuted Church – has received information from several sources that Iraqi Christians and churches are seriously affected by the internal turmoil in Iraq.

Christian Arrested, Tortured in Saudi Arabia

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC), has released information that on Thursday, March 25th, 2004, Mr. Brian O’Connor, a Christian ex-pat Indian national, was arrested by the Muttawa (religious police) on the streets of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Christian Arrested, Tortured in Saudi Arabia

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC), has just become aware that on Thursday, March 25th, 2004, Mr. Brian O’Connor, a Christian ex-pat Indian national, was arrested by the Muttawa (religious police) on the streets of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. ICC is being told from a highly reputable source that the Muttawa abducted, imprisoned, and tortured him in a Mosque. Mr. O’Connor is presently being held at the Olaya police station in Riyadh.

One Killed in Egypt Army Raid on Children Centre

One employee was killed and about eight others, including a nun, wounded when the Egyptian army attacked a Christian centre for mentally and physically handicapped children and orphans early Monday, January 5, a human rights watch-dogs said.

Christians in Iran Encounter “Miracle Rescues”

BAM, IRAN (ANS) — Praying Iranian Christians and believers from around the world continued humanitarian efforts in Bam Saturday, January 3, as relief workers reported “miracle rescues” more than eighth days after an earth quake reduced this city to ruins.

Rearrested Egypt Christians Likely Beaten

A leading human rights group urged believers around the world Wednesday Dec. 17 to pray for the safety of two rearrested former Muslims who recently became Christians and “are likely to be subjected to serious beatings.”

Worthy Christian News