Iran Sentences Christian Converts To Long Prison Terms

An Iranian court has sentenced a Christian woman pregnant with her first child to 16 years imprisonment while two other believers also received lengthy jail terms for activities related to the Christian faith, trial observers confirmed Wednesday.

House Church Leaders Once Pardoned, Re-Arrested in Iran

Two Christians in their 60s, who were “pardoned” and released after serving a combined six years in prison for leading house churches in Iran, have been re-arrested, a non-profit organization advocating for persecuted Christians reported.

Christians in Syria Concerned for Their Future

Christians in Syria have reported they are worried for their futures as the country gets used to a new Islamic government following the ousting of dictator Bashar al-Assad on December 8 last year.

Jailed Church of Iran Leader Released

A leader of the Church of Iran, one of the Islamic Republic’s largest evangelical house church movements, was free Monday after being released from Minab prison in Hormozgan province in southern Iran, Christians told Worthy News.

Gunmen Attack Church In Syria; Suspects Detained

Christians expressed concern Thursday about the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Syria, a day after gunmen attacked an Orthodox church in the west-central city of Hama following other anti-Christian incidents.

Syria: Christians Vulnerable As Rebel Militants Capture Their Humanitarian Aid

The US-based Global Christian Relief ministry has reported that humanitarian supplies delivered for 20,000 Christians in Syria have been hijacked by militants with the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) Islamist rebel group which captured Aleppo and toppled the Syrian government on Sunday, December 8, Crosswalk reports.

Syria: Christians Worried for Their Safety Amid Insurgency

Christians in Syria are understood to be concerned for their safety as the Islamist insurgent group Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham has launched an ongoing major attack on the dictatorial Iran and Russia-backed regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Crosswalk reports.

Iranian Christian Released After Nearly Five Years Imprisonment for Starting Evangelical Group

An Iranian Christian man has been released from Iran’s notoriously harsh Evin prison after serving nearly half of the ten-year sentence he received for starting an illegal evangelical group, Church in Chains (CIC) reports. Ruled by an authoritarian extremist Islamic regime, Iran ranks 9 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

Syria: Church is Flourishing Despite Devastation of War, Report

The International Christian Concern (ICC) humanitarian organization has reported that a small community of Christians in Syria is flourishing even amid the devastation of a civil war, which, despite giving way to fresh disasters in world news headlines, has been raging with extreme violence since 2011.

Syria: Islamic Militants Seize 500 Acres of Christian Farm Land

The UK-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) non-profit advocacy organization has reported that Islamic extremist militants in northern Syria have seized control of 500 acres of farmland belonging to Christian farmers in the town of Ras Al-Ein.

UK-Based Humanitarian Aid Ministry is Helping Christian Refugees in Lebanon

Amid an ongoing exceedingly volatile and dangerous situation in the Middle East, the UK-based Christian aid ministry Help The Persecution (HTP) has been working in Lebanon to assist Christian refugees and others fleeing persecution and conflict from surrounding countries, Christian Today (CT) reports.

Iran Denies Jailed Christian Woman Psychological Care

A young woman who has been jailed in Iran after abandoning Islam and turning to faith in Christ has been denied requested psychological care despite suffering mental difficulties linked to her treatment in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison, Christians say.

Worthy Christian News