China Jails Christian Journalist For COVID-19 Investigations

China faces international pressure for sentencing an independent Christian journalist to four-year imprisonment over her coverage of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan city. Zhang Zhan, 37, reportedly saw it as “God’s will’ to be among the few people whose firsthand accounts from crowded hospitals and empty streets painted a more gloomy picture of the COVID-19 epicenter than the official narrative.

China bans Christmas activities

Chinese government authorities increased their persecution of Christians this Christmas season by banning numerous worship services and carol events, the Christian Post reports.

China City Bans Christian Teachers Professing Faith

Authorities in China’s Wenzhou City are forcing all school teachers, including Christians, to sign a document forbidding them to profess their faith or any other religious beliefs, rights activists and other sources confirmed.

Chinese Jailed Pastor Publishes Poetry Encouraging Believers

Chinese Pastor John Cao, who serves a seven-year jail term in China, has written a poetry book urging believers to realize that Jesus Christ will never forsake them. Christ, he adds, gives treasures nobody can take away.

China Prosecutes Christians For Selling Audio Bibles

China is prosecuting Christian businessmen for selling audio versions of the Bible in a government effort to “eradicate pornography and illegal publications,” rights groups confirmed.

China: Owner of audio Bible company faces trial for conducting illegal business operations

The owner of a company that produces audio Bible players in China’s Guangdong province is due to appear in court on December 7 to answer charges of conducting “illegal business operations,” Morning Star News reports. Lai Jinqiang, owner of Shenzhen Cedar Electronics, faces trial after being arrested together with his six employees on July 22 last year.

China continues crackdown on churches and Christianity

The Chinese government is reportedly shutting down churches and repurposing their buildings into entertainment halls, factories, or “cultural centers,” the Christian Post reports. Moreover, the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) has been removing the words “Christ” and “Jesus” from a number of publications and various social media platforms.

Chinese Prominent Pastor Forced To Leave US House

Pastor Bob Fu, who fled China and launched the Christian rights group ChinaAid was moved to safety after Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operatives besieged his U.S. home, friends say.

House church pastor summoned to court for home-schooling in China

The pastor of a house church in China’s southern Fujian province was summoned to appear in court earlier this month because he and his wife have chosen to home-school their children, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. According to ICC, the Chinese government is not only continuing its crack-down on churches but is now also impeding parents from home-schooling their children.

Chinese Security Forces Raid Bible Study

Chinese security forces have raided a Bible study gathering in South China and detained several Christians as part of a government-crackdown on faith, Worthy News learned Saturday.

China’s Government ‘Bans Believing in God’ Amid Church Crackdown

China’s Communist leadership has ordered devoted Christians not to believe in God, well-informed activists, and local believers say. “Attacks on house churches have intensified across China. Police and government officials raid places of worship and intimidate congregations,” added Shen Xiang, who writes for Bitter Winter, a respected religious rights magazine on China.

China threatens to forcibly take children from Christian families to re-education camps

The International Christian Concern (ICC) non-governmental organization has received a new report that Chinese authorities threatened to send children from a church in Chengdu to re-education camps, Christian Today reports. ICC has previously reported that Chinese authorities had removed children from Christian families on the grounds that they were “trapped by an evil religion.”

Impoverished Chinese Christians told to choose between their faith and state aid

The Chinese government is reported to have told poor Christian families they must give up their faith or lose state aid, CBN News reports. In a report published Monday, the Bitter Winter human rights group said: “People on social welfare [have been] ordered to worship the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), not God.” This latest action follows longstanding persecution of Christians by the communist regime in China.

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