China: Government targets Christian schools, detains staff

hinese government authorities in recent days have raided Christian schools and detained staff members who have not been heard of since, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. It is believed the raids were triggered by the ruling Communist Party’s “Administrative Measures for Religious Institutions” which came into effect on September 1 and which extend governmental control of religious schools in China.

China: Street evangelist released after 6th detention this year

A street evangelist from China’s Hunan province has been released after being imprisoned by Chinese authorities for the sixth time this year, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Chen Wensheng of Hengyang City had been detained from September 26 to October 11 for sharing the Gospel on the street.

China persecution: Christian Principal not heard of since authorities raided his music school

In continued governmental, systemic harassment of Christians in China, on September 4 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials raided a Christian music school in Heilongjiang province and took away the school principal, who has not been heard of since, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The CCP considers Christians a threat to its authority and seeks to suppress them through persecution and a nationwide Sinicization program.

China charges four Christian teachers with conducting illegal activity

Continuing its policy of “Sinicizing” the church and country, China’s ruling Communist Party (CCP) arrested four house church school teachers in Wuhu, Anhui Province earlier this month, and charged them with conducting “illegal business operations,” International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. China now ranks 17 on the US Open Doors 2021 Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

China persecution: Believers detained for attending Christian conference in Malaysia

As part of its ongoing and systematic suppression of Christianity in China, the ruling Chinese Communist Party last month arrested five Christians from Shanxi Province last because they had attended a Christian conference in Malaysia last year, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. According to ICC, Beijing is “paranoid” about Chinese Christians being in contact with believers overseas.

China persecution: Government authorities raid online church service

As China’s Communist Party (CCP) regime continues its policy of “Sinicizing” the church, on July 11 government security officials raided a Guangdong province church as its leaders preached an online service through Zoom, International Christian Concern reports. China ranks 17 on the US Open Doors Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

China persecution: Officials raid Christian funeral service

As China’s communist regime continues its campaign to suppress Christianity in the country, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials recently raided a funeral home during a Christian memorial service in Guiyang City, Guizhou province, International Christian Concern reports.

China intensifies censorship of religious books in schools

A rights group that focuses on China has reported that, in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 1, the CCP intensified its nation-wide censorship of religious books and materials, Assist News reports. ChinaAid said in its report that a number of schools received notifications forbidding students to read religious books or use other faith-based materials.

China Launches Crackdown On Church Members

Members of one of China’s largest unregistered churches face a new crackdown by Chinese authorities after their leading pastor was sentenced to nine years imprisonment on charges linked to his Christian activities Communist-run nation.

Worthy Christian News