China Detains Dozens Of Christians In Xinjiang

Chinese security forces detained dozens of House Church Christians in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, forcing them to show allegiance to the government as part of crackdown similar to a campaign against Buddhist monks in nearby Tibet, rights watchers said Thursday, April 17.

China Arrests Dozens Of Christians, Including Children

A group of 70 Christians remained detained Tuesday, March 4, in China’s Henan Province, some two weeks after security forces raided a Bible training meeting, while some three children in Xinjiang Province were also arrested for their involvement in Christian activities, fellow believers said.

China “Detains” House Church Alliance President In Inner Mongolia

The leader of China’s House Church Alliance in the country’s Inner Mongolia region has been detained along with dozens of co-workers, an organization representing the Christians said in remarks monitored by BosNewsLife Friday, February 22.

21 Major House Church Leaders Sent to Labor Camp in Shandong at the Same Time

In a most massive persecution case since 1983, CAA learned 21 major house church leaders were sent to labor camp at the same time recently by Linyi City Re-education through labor Commission. They were all detained on December 7, 2007 when they gathered together for leadership training with other 249 leaders in Hedong District, Linyi city, Shandong.

China Security Forces Raid Sunday School

A church in China’s autonomous region of Xinjiang faced uncertainty Thursday, February 14, after Chinese security forces raided its Sunday School, detaining church leaders and interrogating "terrified" children, investigators said.

China: Uyghur Christians Arrested, Jailed in Xinjiang

Last January 12, state security officials arrived at the home of Alimjan Yimit, a Muslim convert, ethnic Uyghur and Christian house church leader in Xinjiang province, northwest China.

China Increasing Crackdown On House Churches, Report Shows

China’s Communist government increased its crackdown on house churches, detaining hundreds of Christians across the country throughout 2007, according to a new report released Wednesday, February 6.

China Releases More House Church Leaders From Labor Camp

China on Wednesday, January 23, released three female house church leaders "unconditionally" from their labor camp in Hubei province, in what their supporters described as "another legal stunning victory."

China Releases Church Leaders From Labor Camp

Four Chinese house church leaders spent another day in freedom Saturday, January 19, after they were unexpectedly released from a labor camp following an "unprecedented legal victory" a Christian advocacy group involved in the case said.

Christian Leader in Xinjiang Province Arrested

China Aid Association learned that a House Church leader in Kashi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was secretly detained on January 12. According to an eyewitness, Mr. A Li Mu Jiang was taken away from his home by State Security Bureau agents for an accused "national security issue." His wife was also taken from her home for interrogation in the evening of the same day.

China Expels Children From Christian Orphanage

Children and their caretakers spent another Sunday, January 13, in uncertainty after they were expelled from their Christian-run orphanage in China’s Hubei Province, as part of a crackdown on Christian activities by local authorities, an official said.

China Releases Christian Bookstore Owner And Employees

Chinese authorities have released on bail the owner of a Christian bookstore near Beijing’s Olympic Village and fellow workers, amid international pressure, after detaining them last month on charges of "illegal printing and distribution of Christian literature," BosNewsLife learned Tuesday, January 8.

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