Christian Workers Attacked in Two States in India

Hindu extremists broke into a Youth With a Mission (YWAM) training center on March 17 in Madhya Pradesh state, beating students and significantly damaging furniture and equipment. YWAM director Mukesh Jacob and his wife have since been charged with illegal conversion under the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act.

Indonesia: Church Forced to Close by Mob; New Law Could Threaten Church Plants

Voice of the Martyrs contacts in Indonesia report that on March 26, hundreds of radical Muslims converged on the Church of Pentecost in Indonesia (PTDI) in Gunung Putri, Bogor County, West Java during a Sunday morning service. The mob’s angry protest over the property being “misused” as a church building lasted five hours. Some of the women among the 190 congregants began crying hysterically as a result of the mob’s hostile demonstration, with some falling unconscious and collapsing to the ground.

More Christians Arrested in Wake of ‘Apostasy’

An avalanche of media coverage of an Afghan man facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity has apparently sparked the arrest and deepening harassment of other Afghan Christians in the ultra-conservative Muslim country.

West Java, Indonesia Churches Told Not to Meet in Homes

A local council in West Java has warned several congregations in the Rancaekek Kencana housing complex in Bandung to abandon their “nomadic” cell group system, which allows limited numbers of Christians to meet together in private homes.

Thousands of Karens Flee Burma Offensive

Over 3,000 terrified predominantly Christian Karen villagers were in hiding Monday, March 20, after new attacks by the Burmese Army in Western and Northern Karen State, a human rights group said.

Kidnapped Pastor Released Unharmed in Northeast India

The Rev. Tongkhojang Lunkim was released at 1 p.m. on Saturday (March 18) after being held captive for two months by the Kuki Liberation Army (KLA) in Manipur state, Northeast India.

India State Releases Jailed Pastor and Church Members

After nearly a month in jail in the tense Indian state of Rajasthan a Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionary and several other Christians have been released after allegedly being falsely charged with the murder of a child, BosNewsLife learned Thursday, March 16.

Worthy Christian News