India State Christians Fear More Attacks, As Violence Kills 13

Christians in India’s volatile state of Andhra Pradesh were anticipating more attacks against them Sunday, June 11, amid reports of sectarian violence in which at least 13 people died, a police raid and threats in a village where women were allegedly raped for refusing to abandon their faith in Christ.

Hindu Villagers Gang-rape Two Christian Women in India

With the encouragement of a local chief and the apparent backing of a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, villagers in the north-central state of Madhya Pradesh on Sunday (May 28) gang-raped two Christian women after the husband of one refused to deny Christ.

Church Attacked, Pastor Arrested in Madhya Pradesh, India

Hindu extremists yesterday vandalized an independent church in Gauri Nadi village, about 12 kilometers (seven miles) from Jabalpur city in the north-central state of Madhya Pradesh. The mob beat a church member and lodged a police complaint against a pastor for ‘;forcibly converting’ Hindus.

Three Churches Attacked in Sri Lanka

Unruly mobs have attacked three churches over the past fortnight, in one incident setting car tires on fire in front of a Methodist church to prevent people from entering for Sunday worship.

Radical Muslims Stop Church Services

Radical Muslims in mid-April forced three churches to cease services in North Jakarta and the provinces of West Java and Tangerang, claiming the meetings were disturbing Islamic communities.

Worthy Christian News