‘Blasphemy’ Suspect Flees Pakistan

A Pakistani “blasphemy” suspect has appealed for asylum in Holland after facing police torture and attacks by Muslim extremists for his controversial religious views.

India State Court Orders Reopening Of Mission Group’s Operations

Schools, bank accounts and offices of Emmanuel Mission International (EMI), one of India’s largest evangelical mission organizations, have reopened in the tense state of Rajasthan after being closed for over four months, BosNewsLife learned Friday, June 30.

Vietnam Jails Montagnard Christians Amid Leadership Change

Six Evangelical Christians of Vietnam’s Montagnard Degar minority were facing another tense day Wednesday, June 28, after a court reportedly jailed them on charges of inciting religious unrest and organizing illegal border crossings to neighboring Cambodia.

Christians Around The World Pray For Iran Government

Christians in Iran and around the world prayed Tuesday, June 27, for Iran’s government, amid concerns over persecution of churches and political opponents in the Islamic nation.

Pakistan Woman Raped For Faith in Christ

A young Pakistani Christian was reportedly in hiding with her husband and two young daughters Saturday, June 24, after being attacked and raped for changing her faith– amid signs that militants increasingly use rape as a weapon against Christian converts in Pakistan and neighboring India.

India Police Search for Suspected Killers of Pastor

Police in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh searched Monday, June 19, for suspects involved in the killing of a 67-year preacher from the Church of South India, while another church leader was still recovering from injuries following an attack against him, religious rights investigators said.

Comoros Detains Christians Amid Concerns Over Persecution

Four men remained in jail in the Comoros Saturday, June 17, for their “involvement in Christianity” amid a crackdown on Christians on these Indian Ocean islands, well informed Christian sources said.

Internet Users Remain in Vietnam Jail After Demanding Religious Freedom

A US-based Vietnamese woman end two of her friends were approaching their 8th month in captivity Saturday, June 17, after being arrested by Vietnamese security forces for demanding freedom in Vietnam during discussions in an influential Internet forum promoting religious and political rights, fellow activists and family told BosNewsLife.

Worthy Christian News