India: Christian Arrested at Healing Festival

Police last Friday (October 27) arrested a 25-year-old believer for “causing communal disharmony” after Hindu extremists harassed him for selling Christian literature at an evangelistic event in the eastern state of Orissa.

Vietnam: Churches Learn of Registrations Indirectly

Vietnamese authorities advised the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi that 18 Vietnamese churches had been registered while not informing the churches themselves. Observers believe this is an indication that the country has stepped up efforts to convince the United States of improvements in its religious freedom record as two key U.S. decisions approach.

India: New Believer Arrested, Urged to Frame Pastor

Police this morning arrested a recent convert in Mayapuri, Madhya Pradesh state for the second time in three days in an apparent attempt to pressure him to give evidence that his pastor forcibly converted him. By nightfall in India, the new believer was charged with “insulting religious beliefs.”

India Police Detain Christian Workers Of Home For Destitute

Up to eight Christian workers at a home for the destitute in India’s Karnataka state were in jail Wednesday, October 18, on charges of “wrongful confinement, abduction and cheating” after apparently incorrect television reports led to a riot around the facility, Christian investigators said.

Protestant Leader Assassinated In Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

News has just been received by ASSIST News Service that at around 9 am this morning (Monday, October 16, 2006), the acting head of the Protestant Church in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, was assassinated. He was shot in the head on a street in Palu, the capital of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia — the same region where three Catholic Christians were recently executed.

Beatings, Threats Continue in Madhya Pradesh, India

Hindu extremists severely beat two pastors on September 24 in Madhya Pradesh, India, before dragging them to a police station and accusing them of ‘forcing’ conversions. Two days earlier, extremists had attacked and injured two evangelists in the same state, later accusing them of ‘hurting Hindu sentiments.’

Worthy Christian News