Sri Lanka: Mobs Attack More Churches

Buddhist militants attacked two church services in Sri Lanka on November 12 and hit Christian workers returning from a funeral. On Thursday (November 16), they also doused a female church member with a container of burnt oil.

Brazilian Missionary Murdered in East Timor

A Brazilian missionary was murdered in Dili, as new fighting flared in the capital of East Timor late on Sunday, Nov.19 according to a U.N. spokeswoman and a government statement said on Monday, November 20, 2006.

Vietnam Bans Prominent Christian Dissidents From Visiting Church, Hundreds Detained

As US President George W. Bush and 20 other leaders began their lavish Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Hanoi’s new $260 million National Convention Center Saturday, November 18, hundreds of Christians, pro-democracy activists and homeless people remained jailed or under police surveillance “to be hidden” from the world’s attention, dissidents told BosNewsLife.

South Korean Pastor expelled from Kazakhstan for “Missionary Activity Without Registration”

South Korean pastor Kim U Sob, who has led the Love Presbyterian Church in the southern Kazakh town of Kyzyl-Orda [Qyzylorda] for the past eight years, has been forced to leave the country, Aleksandr Klyushev of the Association of Religious Communities of Kazakhstan told Forum 18 News Service. The local Migration Police refused to allow the pastor to extend his visa and remain in the country, after he was found guilty in June of carrying out “missionary work without registration.”

India: Local Politican Incites Attack on Christians

During a panchayat or village council meeting convened last Thursday (November 9) to address threats against Christians in a village in Chhattisgarh state, a local politician and his associates attacked six believers, including a pregnant woman.

India: More Villagers Forced to Bow to Hindu Deities

Hindu extremists yesterday forced Christians in the remote village of Bevainahalli, in the southern state of Karnataka, to bow down before Hindu deities and applied the vermilion mark to their foreheads. It was the second such incident in Chitradurga district in a little over a week.

Vietnam Tries Dissidents for “Terrorism” While Registering Churches

Political dissidents in Vietnam were preparing for a difficult court case Friday, November 3, after officials said they would be charged with “terrorism” even after authorities made efforts to convince the United States that freedom of expression and religious liberty for Christians had improved in the Communist nation.

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