India: Anti-Christian Attacks Mark New Year

After launching several anti-Christian attacks during the last week of 2006, Hindu extremists went on to beat more Christians, vandalize vehicles and organize a protest rally against a church, dampening New Year celebrations.

India State Introduces “Anti-Christian” Law

Devoted Christians in India’s northern state of Himachal Pradesh, including missionary workers and church leaders, ushered in the New Year Monday, January 1, amid fears of persecution after law makers introduced legislation banning “forced” religious conversions.

Thousands Of Burma Christians Hiding In Jungle Amid Military Crackdown

Thousands of people belonging to the predominantly Christian Karen as well as Karenni and Shan ethnic groups were hiding in Burma’s jungle areas Saturday, December 9, as government forces continued their largest offensive in a decade, killing at least dozens of people in recent months, several sources told BosNewsLife.

India: Hindu Extremist Arrested for Assaulting Evangelist

Police in Honavar, a coastal town in Karnataka state on Tuesday (December 5) arrested Chandrashekar Naik, a member of the Hindu extremist group Bajrang Dal, for assaulting a Christian evangelist. Later that day, Bajrang Dal members seized two other Christians in the town, marched them to the police station and accused them of attempted forcible conversion.

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