Myanmar Closes Christian Orphanages

Christian ministries in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are dazed after being told to close their orphanages and other child-care and feeding programs for the poor.

Urgent Appeal to Halt Execution of North Korean Christians

YUNNAN PROVINCE, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (ANS) — Christian Solidarity Worldwide is raising urgent concern for a group of North Koreans who are in the process of being sent back to North Korea, where they are in danger of execution.

Pakistan’s Christians Told to ‘Protect Themselves’

ISTANBUL, September 9 (Compass) — In the wake of two more deadly terrorist attacks against Christian institutions in Pakistan in early August, government security officials have advised local church leaders to arm themselves for possible assaults by Muslim extremists.

Pakistan Sentences Another Christian to Death

ISTANBUL, July 1 (Compass) — Another Christian was sentenced to death in Pakistan two days ago, joining Ayub Masih in the line-up of Pakistani Christians on death row for alleged blasphemy against Islam.

Christians Secretly Forced to Re-Convert to Hinduism in India

BANGALORE, India (Compass) — The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Organization, VHP) is secretly conducting large-scale conversion drives in India’s Marxist-ruled state of West Bengal. More than 16 tribal Christians were forced to re-convert to Hinduism on April 22 at a purification ceremony in Chopra village in the Malda district about 300 kilometers from Calcutta, NGO sources said. Ten other animist tribals were also converted to Hinduism in the village.

Mob Destroys Church in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

SOUTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA (ANS) — A mob has destroyed a church in the predominantly Muslim city of Makassar in South Sulawesi, according to a report from The Barnabas Fund.

U.S. Missionary Hostage Killed in Philippine Rescue Attempt

AUSTIN, Texas, June 7 (Compass) — Kidnapped American missionary Martin Burnham was killed today in a Philippine military raid to rescue him, his wife, Gracia, and a Filipina nurse, New Tribes Mission (NTM) has confirmed.

Vietnam: Christians Denied Right to Exist

Christians in Vietnam are virtually being denied the right to exist, according to a visit there by a representative of a Washington, DC, based ministry recently.

Vietnam: Hmong Believers in Crucible of Persecution

Reports out of Vietnam indicate that tribal believers, especially among the Hmong, are being cruelly pressured by the government to give up their faith and return to animism.

Vietnam: 14 Tribal Pastors Sent to Undisclosed Prison

A confidential contact told Christian Aid Monday that 14 Vietnamese pastors were arrested in that country’s Central Highlands in the last two weeks. The exact location of these pastors is not certain.

Gospel for Asia Worker Murdered in Kashmir

Carrollton, TX—June 17, 2002— Risking his own safety to help fleeing refugees at the Pakistan/India border, a Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionary trainee in Kashmir was found murdered earlier this month. The Indian-born student was training for pioneer evangelism ministry at a GFA Bible school located five kilometers from the Pakistan border. GFA leaders in India believe that Muslim extremists are responsible for his death.

Indonesian Christians Face Tough Decision

Indonesian Christians are learning the hard way what it means to “forsake all and follow Christ.”

Christian Aid’s contact in Indonesia said Sunday that Christians in some villages that have been taken over by Laskar Jihad militant Muslims are being offered the opportunity to leave their villages, but on one condition: They must relinquish all right to their homes, businesses and properties, and never return to their villages again.

International Church Attakecked in Pakistan

ISTANBUL, March 18 (Compass) — Unidentified terrorists hurled grenades into a Protestant worship service in the diplomatic quarter of Pakistan’s capital city yesterday, killing five worshippers and wounding another 40 members of the congregation.

Karachi Gunmen Murder Pakistani Welfare Workers

ISTANBUL, September 25 (Compass) — Armed gunmen attacked a Pakistani Christian welfare organization in Karachi this morning, then escaped after killing seven Christians and leaving an eighth critically injured.

Worthy Christian News