India Deports US Missionaries After Hindu Attacks

Three American missionaries who were reportedly beaten by “Hindu fundamentalists” in Mumbai for preaching the Gospel there, will be deported by India because they “violated” the terms of their tourist visa’s, police said Tuesday, June 14.

Christian Mission in India Accused of Forced Conversions

Police are currently investigating seven staff members of a Christian mission, the ATMIK Vikas Trust (AVT), in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh. A group of disgruntled trainees have accused the staff of “running a gang to convert poor Hindus” by promising them employment.

Hindu Militants Kill Native Missionary in Andhra Pradesh

Hindu extremists allegedly “tortured and killed” a native missionary in India’s southern state of Andhra Pradesh last Thursday, when a court acquitted fellow militants in the murder of another, Australian, missionary and his two children, BosNewsLife learned from local sources Wednesday May 25.

Christian Families Attacked in Maharashtra, India

Hindu extremists physically attacked 11 Christian families from Jamanya village in Jalgaon district, Maharashtra state, on May 16, when they refused to give up their faith. Sources said the mob tried to disrobe women in the group; women and children were also beaten by the mob.

‘Youth With A Mission’ Team Attacked In India By Angry Mob

An angry mob attacked a team of the international Christian organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in India’s southern state of Karnataka and forced them to bow down for an idol in a Hindu temple, BosNewsLife learned Monday, May 16.

India Hindu Militants Attack Pastor And Associate

An uneasy calm returned to a Protestant church in India’s southern state of Karnataka this Pentecost weekend, after dozens of Hindu militants attacked the congregation, injuring the pastor and his associate, a church official said.

Worthy Christian News